AZI Volume 6 Chapter 16.5 Intermission - Asking for Entertainment

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A week after her exchange of messages with Sui Yan—


Viewing the photos, which the workers had taken—during their trip over to Colony Seven, on her computer, Xu Qingxiang can't help but frown.

Corpses and starved individuals alike filled the hallways of the ship, causing deadly diseases to fester.

Dead fetuses and infants filled the artificial wombs, which had been thoroughly contaminated with waste.

Withered bodies are hung from the ceilings with a rope wrapped around their necks, and bathtubs tinged red with bled-out bodies; such sights are commonly seen in the photos that showed the private residences onboard the seventh colony.

"This is a lot worse than what I had imagined..."

Depictions of the other colonies in the near future, that would be the first description to come to mind, as Xu Qingxiang holds back the urge to vomit.

[Our gratitude to Colony Leader Xu. Thank you for your aid.]

Reading the message of gratitude that came from the survivors of Colony Seven, Xu Qingxiang raises a sigh, as she mutters—

"...All I'm doing here is just granting them a reprieve. I..."

Shaking her head in a helpless manner, Xu Qingxiang closes the photo viewer, and giving herself some time—for her nausea to settle, she returns her attention to her computer.

Opening a specific folder, which was sent over by Sui Yan, and looking at the most important file first, Xu Qingxiang's expression turns solemn.

Depicted on the first file is a blueprint for the core, which will be used to contain the combined soul, whereas the second file details the designs of the necessary magic arrays.

Several notes are also attached—detailing the carving process, and the things to look out for.

Practically, all the answers—to the questions that Xu Qingxiang could have, can be found in these files.

Taking a total of five hours to look through the files in detail, Xu Qingxiang leans back in her chair, and pinches the bridge of her nose.

(This surnamed Sui... What were they doing prior to this crisis? Without 20 or so years of persistent research, it's impossible for them to have come up with all this information in the span of a week.)

Moving her mouse, Xu Qingxiang clicks through several boxes, and eventually brings up Sui Yan's profile.

Scrolling down to the history's section, she sees—

(Around 1,100 years of age, a cultivation base in the Nascent Soul realm... Good grades in her chosen educational institute, didn't participate in any sort of club activities, nor did they have any sort of close friends, this is a fairly normal history. ...It's often said that geniuses keep to themselves because the common masses aren't able to understand them. .........But isn't this entire situation a bit too coincidental? Did they already figured that our current crisis would occur, and had been making preparations ahead of time?)

Thinking up to here, Xu Qingxiang heaves a sigh.

(Whatever. It's not like it matters at this point. What's important is these designs and the principles behind them, there's enough reason to believe that they can indeed work.)

Straightening her seating posture, Xu Qingxiang begins to add the necessary personnel into a group chat to begin this project.

(Seems like everyone is online as well, how fortunate.)

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