AZI Volume 6 Chapter 13.5 Part 2 Intermission - Death at the Restaurant

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A week had gone by since Cuo Qing Yi had brought a flute for five silver taels.

In the end, he did manage to find himself a job at a restaurant by working as a waiter.

The restaurant itself is considered one of the more famous dining establishments in the capital, and the building is composed of five floors.

Currently, at the top floor—

"...Sorry for the wait."

Saying this, Cuo Qing Yi sets a few dishes down, and turns away from the table.

Moving over to the walls of the restaurant, and waiting for the guests to call upon him again, Cuo Qing Yi controls himself to maintain a neutral expression on his face.

Occasionally, Cuo Qing Yi would glance at the table that he had moved away from.

Seated around the table currently are three young men, who are all dressed in high-quality fabric.

Taking up a pair of chopsticks, one of the young men picks up a slice of meat, and brings it to his mouth.


Savoring the taste, the young man asks—

"Li-xiong, how does it feel to finally be a government official?"

"If I have issues in the future, can I come and ask you for favors?"

Towards the questions of his friends, the young man who is surnamed Li laughs aloud, and replies—

"Naturally, it feels good. I don't mind doing you two some favors in the future, so long as you give me a bit of compensation."

Picking up a cup of wine, one of the young men says—

"Cheers, and congratulations."


"Cheers indeed."

As the three young men pressed their cups together, Cuo Qing Yi heaves a sigh.

The young man who is surnamed Li is the son of General Li, the same person who had used their social status to snatch Cuo Qing Yi's position as a civil servant away, and handed it over to the former.

(Having what should have been mine taken away, and is now forced to wait on the person who received it...)

Unfair, that is the sole word that comes to mind, as Cuo Qing Yi thought of this.


Just as Cuo Qing Yi heaves another sigh, a co-worker walks over, and says—

"Cuo-xiong, it's break time for you."


Walking over to the corner of the restaurant, Cuo Qing Yi looks out at the capital, while pressing his hands onto the guardrail.


Reaching into the fold of his clothes, Cuo Qing Yi takes out the white flute.

Out of boredom, he presses the flute to his lips, and blows into it.

If one had to describe the sound, it's not unbearable, and it's rather easy to tell that the person playing is a complete amateur.


And amidst his rough performance, Cuo Qing Yi thought of General Li and his son, who is currently seated in the back.

Rather quickly, all forms of sound—other than the sound of the flute, become unable to reach Cuo Qing Yi's ears.

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