AZI Volume 5 Chapter 2

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In order to draw up more funds, the Ashen River Hall had decided to sell some of their spare storage pouches.

And following Dan'er's demonstration of how these items work—

"600,000 NWD!"


"1.1 million!"

Rather quickly, the price of a single storage pouch rises.


Staring intently at the other side with her right hand placed on the armrest—


Mo-laoban pays no heed to the ongoing auction, as she maintains a complicated expression on her face that is hidden beneath her hood.

This expression seems to be one of vexation; for her mood at this time is very much akin to an enraged child, who doesn't have anything that she could vent her frustrations on.

"Elder sister?"




Opening her mouth, but unable to formulate a word, Mo-laoban could only heave a sigh.

Storing Shui Yue away, Mo-laoban leans back in her chair, and mutters—

"My head is a mess right now..."

Blinking her eyes, Nuo'er thought—

(Seems like the matter between elder sister and Long-shao is temporarily water under the bridge.)


Time flies, and as the sun begins to set, the skies are dyed burning orange.

Seeing the fatigue ridden expressions that are on the bidders' faces, Dan'er smiles charmingly, and asks—

"Well then, shall we get to the main dish?"

At the snap of Dan'er's fingers, two workers push a large board onto the stage.

Pinned onto the board is a world map with specific coordinates marked out.

"Most of us have come here today for one reason only, and that is none other than the excavation rights to the ancient ruins. As there is no way to accurately gauge the value of these rights, bidding prices will begin at zero for the first one. Without further ado, let us begin bidding on the first excavation rights!"

Announcing this, Dan'er taps one of the marked areas on the map with an extended pointer.

The first excavation rights are for a ruin located more than 3,000 miles away from GC012.


Rising from her seat, Nian Tao Tao looks to the auction stage with a sharp gleam in her golden eyes.


Similarly, Nian Yao Yao, who is seated in the chair opposite of her mother does the same, and asks—

"Old hag, how much are you planning to spend?"

"And why should I tell you, my foolish daughter?"


(Uh? That place, if I recall...?)

Standing a bit away from the two—who are currently bickering with each other, Jing Yin looks to one of the marked coordinates with a subtle frown.


Similarly to Jing Yin, Teng Hao, who had noticed the same coordinate, turns to Gui Lian, who is beside him, and says—

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