AZI Volume 5 Chapter 21

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"Ancestor, you came as well?"


Taken by surprise to see Chen Lan being the first person to greet him after coming in, Long Hua raises an eye.


Looking Chen Lan up and down, Long Hua remarks—

"Judging by that fawning expression on your face, you got something to ask of me? Ah... That flute that I brought from the auction, I heard that it came from you."


Placing a hand onto Chen Lan's shoulder, Long Hua says—

"I expect you to give me a share of whatever you make off this excavation afterwards."


"Hm? Not willing?"

"...I guess, there's no problems with that...?"

Coerced into saying this, Chen Lan cries on the inside, to which, Long Hua removes his hand from the former's shoulder, and says—

"Hmm, little descendant can't seem to take a joke it seems. How dull..."

Towards this remark, Chen Lan thought—

(...Can anything that comes out of the ancestor's mouth be a joke?)

"Now, about what you wanted to ask me..."

Slightly embarrassed by the matter, Chen Lan clears his throat, and says—

"It's not me that has a favor to ask, it's..."

Pausing his words, Chen Lan looks to the dispirited Wang Yongning, who is walking over.

Turning his attention to Wang Yongning, Long Hua asks—

"So? Knock-off Immortal, something happened? Your love life went south, or did you just realize how off your appearance is in modern society?"


Under normal circumstances, Wang Yongning would definitely say a few words back by now; however, as the beggar in this negotiation, he cannot possibly hope to put on a strong front, hence—


Clearing his throat, Wang Yongning draws in a deep breath of air.

Off to the side, everyone in the Ashen River Hall—who had already been informed of the matter, can't help but shake their heads.

Exhaling his held breath, Wang Yongning says—

"Sir Long, we're all men here, you...- You know what happened back at the restaurant."


With a look of amusement on his face at being addressed as "Sir Long," Long Hua takes the calabash that is bound to his belt for a sip.

His current attire isn't too different from what he had worn for the first ruins excavation—being a white dress shirt over a pair of dark hiking trousers. The backpack is no longer necessary, since almost everyone has a storage device this time around.


Lowering the calabash, Long Hua says—

"The rule of my place is—if you want something, you need to pay for it."

"How much?"

"NWDs have no value to me. I want..."

Contemplating for a bit, Long Hua doesn't know how he should describe a magic treasure to a weapon spirit—other than to tell the latter to forfeit their life.

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