AZI Volume 5 Chapter 50.5 Intermission - Sui Yan

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Out in the vast heavens, a fleet made up of nine colossal ships—each capable of housing an entire planet's worth of people, float adrift.

Within the entirety of this star region, there is not a single planet left—for all of them have long since collapsed from having all the resources on them plundered.

And as a result of there being no planets in this star region, the natural energies of Heaven and Earth have gradually declined over the passage of time.

What remains of those who continue to dwell in this star region, they refer to the phenomenon of natural energies' gradual decline as the Great Calamity, an event that had started more than a thousand years ago.

By this point, all traces of natural energies have completely vanished, and with the technology of this world being reliant on the existence of these natural energies to function, it's appropriate to say that this star region is currently undergoing a crisis.


Within one of the nine planetary ships that made up the fleet, there is one labeled as Colony Five.



Heaving a sigh, a young woman with long black hair and azure-colored eyes leaned back in her office chair.

In front of the woman is a computer station made up of three monitors with a mouse and keyboard.

To the back of the woman is a large bed, while to her left is a closet.

Embedded into the ceiling of the room are lights, which are currently giving off a dim glow.

The name of the woman is Suì Yàn (岁晏), and appearance wise, she is wearing a white dress shirt with a pair of dark trousers.

Hanging from the office chair is a white coat, that is somewhat reminiscent of a lab coat due to how thin it is.

Other than that—

*Shaaa...* a black serpent is leaning its head onto her shoulder.

On the three screens in front of Sui Yan, the faces of several individuals are present.

Just from observation, it shouldn't be difficult to tell that all the people on screen, along with Sui Yan are currently participating in a meeting.

The commonality of the meeting participants is that they are all women of exceptional beauty.

As for the contents of the meeting itself—

[Like I said, at the rate this is going, our colony might not be able to last. So I wish to procure food supplies from the rest of you.]

[...Same answer as last week, we cannot provide food supplies. Our citizens here are also going to be in need of them.]

[Even if it isn't food supplies, spirit stones would also be acceptable to get the machinery moving again.]

[As the leader of Colony Eight, I must make my decisions based off the benefits and continued well-beings of my citizens.]

[I concur with this.]


Enduring the urge to yawn, while listening to the leaders of the nine colonies argue, Sui Yan raises her cup, and presses it to her lips for a sip.

Within this star region, politically speaking, each ship that makes up the fleet is considered a separate nation—managed by its own government, which falls under the control of the colony leaders.

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