AZI Volume 5 Chapter 36

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"Oh? So, you had a history like that?"

"No wonder, you're that concerned with your little sister."

As the cave becomes more crowded, Long Hua frowns, as he looks to the entrance.

Even now, there are still weapon spirits making an attempt to enter.


Straining his ears, Long Hua narrows his eyes, and in the next instance—



Shrieks of terror went off, and as if a giant's hand had come in from the side, the weapon spirits who were outside of the cave, or near it vanished from sight.

*Guuuuuuuuu!!!!!* as water rushes in from the entrance, the entirety of the cave trembles—with bits of crystal stalagmite falling from the ceiling.


"What the hell!"

A number of these stalagmites end up landing on someone, causing curses and shouts to be thrown around.

However, if they were able to see the outside world right now—none of them would think to complain about some minor wounds that can be mended with some bandages.


Outside of the cave, where dark clouds loom over the skies, snow falls from above.

The force of the ongoing high-tides ends up tearing a vast number of trees that are on the island out of the earth; prior to pushing them forward—smashing them onto the side of the mountain, producing the escalating tremors.

As for the trees that didn't end up smashing onto the side of the mountain, they might have ended up hitting a few weapon spirits that were outside of the cave, or in the least damaging case, they ended up being dragged off into the seas.


Back in the cave—

"Hey, look at the entrance! At this rate, this cave is going to get flooded!"

"Dammit, we should have just scaled the mountain instead of coming in here!"

"With how little time we had, you wouldn't have climbed far!"

All eyes turned to the cave's entrance that had water pouring in.

"Tch, quit your whining, and get started on blocking the entrance!"

Getting off the moistened ground, Ye Chen approaches the entrance.

"You heard the colonel, quit being lazy!"

Joining him midway is Teng Hao.

As various individuals get to work on blocking the entrance—mainly by smashing the chamber's walls; and using the large chunks of rocks that have been broken off to construct a barrier, the rushing waters are eventually slowed.


With the situation under control, Dan Hong turns to an officer, and asks—

"...How many of us are left—counting all factions?"

"Probably less than 300, sir."

For the most part, almost all members of the Ashen River Hall had survived, along with the Moon Guards. The vast majority that died due to not being able to make it into the cave are made up of the various Guilds.

*Guuuuuuu.........* momentarily, the tremors caused by the high tides cease—allowing everyone to heave a sigh of relief.


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