AZI Volume 5 Chapter 28

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Surrounding the central mountain of the island is a forest, and walking through this forest—



Narrowing his eyes, Long Hua swings the fishing rod in his right hand.

Binding up a canine-formed weapon spirit, he throws it into the air before slamming it onto the ground, burying its head into the earth.

Throughout his walk with Tian Cheng in this forest, there has been encounters of this nature every now and then. This one in particular is the fifth.


Shaking his head, Long Hua can't help but feel dissatisfied with his current strength output.


Approaching the weapon spirit, Long Hua drags it out of the dirt by its tail, prior to smashing it repeatedly onto the ground with a bored look on his face.

After being repeatedly tormented by Long Hua in this manner, the weapon spirit's body begins to dissolve into particles of light.


"Master, was that you attempting to vent?"

"Pretty much."

Shaking his head, Long Hua heaves another sigh. What's the point of having a powerful cultivation base, if he cannot use it whenever he wants?

(I guess, it's not very different from being trapped inside a city? Still...)

Feeling his entire body in discomfort—as if there were numerous bug bites on him, Long Hua maintains an unpleasant frown, as he moves on.

Right after Long Hua and Tian Cheng leave—


Popping her head out of the bushes, Qing Yue, along with two other Moon Guards looks in the direction the two had departed in, with the former remarking—

"See that? That thing isn't human or Immortal... He's nothing more than a monster that answers everything with violence."



In response to Qing Yue's words, the two Moon Guards nod, while swallowing their own spit.


Continuing to move through the greenery, Long Hua eventually sees a crowd gathered up ahead.

This location—give or take a few, is on the exact opposite side of the main camp.


Seeing a familiar figure dressed in a white cardigan up ahead, Long Hua walks over to the former, and asks—

"What's the situation here?"


Turning around, Li Xue answers—

"They found a cave of some sort. A few individuals already went in, and is doing some scouting."

"I see."

With how crowded the cave's entrance is currently, Long Hua figured that it would take some time before he would be able to step in.

Figuring that he has already walked around enough, Long Hua doesn't see any more point in continuing to do so; hence, he might as well wait here with everyone else.


Taking this time, to think back on the sights that he's seen so far, something that stands out to Long Hua about the island—is how uneven its terrain is.

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