AZI Volume 5 Chapter 5

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"Screw you!"

Launching himself off the ground, while raising his greatsword over his head, Zhang Yong closes the gap between Long Hua and himself.


Continuing to direct a frigid gaze at Zhang Yong, Long Hua steps to the side—just barely avoiding the former's cleave.

And as soon as Zhang Yong hits the ground in a crouching posture, Long Hua reaches his hand towards the former's head, and—



Grabbing onto one of the backwards flowing horns of their helmet, Long Hua lifts Zhang Yong off the ground—prior to tossing them forward!

Bouncing off the ground twice, and landing onto his back, Zhang Yong—who has yet to catch up to the situation, widens his eyes beneath his helmet.


Walking over to Zhang Yong's side, Long Hua says—

"I asked you..."

Raising his right foot, and looming it over Zhang Yong's face, Long Hua continues to ask—

"Is my name something that you can so casually call?"


*Boom! Kakaka!* without waiting for Zhang Yong to answer, Long Hua stomps his foot down with enough force to cause cracks to form on the ground, as blood and head bits fly!


Taking two steps back, Long Hua waits for Zhang Yong to regenerate his crushed head.

In the same instance, the others emerge from the restaurant—focusing their attention on the confrontation with varying emotions.

Momentarily, Zhang Yong's head reforms, along with his helmet, and—

"L-Long Hua, you...-!"

Unable to accept the fact that he was "killed" just now, Zhang Yong attempts to rise off the ground; however—

"I'll ask you again, is my name something that you can so casually call?"

Pressing his right foot down on the center of Zhang Yong's chest, Long Hua repeats his previous question.



If looks could kill, then Zhang Yong from a bystander's viewpoint would have surely died more than a hundred times by now.

Hearing no reply from Zhang Yong, Long Hua narrows his eyes, and remarks—

"Still feeling rebellious, are you? Then..."



With his chest punctured through by Long Hua's foot, Zhang Yong dies again.


Observing the situation, and noticing something odd about the gleam in Long Hua's eyes, Mo-laoban sinks into thought.

As seconds go by, the gaping hole in Zhang Yong's chest is mended—allowing him to draw breath again.


Not going to bother repeating his question, Long Hua simply presses his foot onto Zhang Yong's chest, while killing intent emanates from his eyes.


Facing the killing intent in Long Hua's eyes, Zhang Yong feels as if there are numerous serpents coiling their bodies around his limbs—preventing him from moving a single inch.

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