AZI Volume 6 Chapter 16

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"This happened more than five decades ago."

The frontlines of that day were unusually quiet.

There were no Immortals to be seen, but just as the clock was about to hit 12, a single Immortal, who looked no different from other Immortals had appeared in the skies.

Rather quickly, the alarms went off.

But seemingly in no rush, the Immortal at the time simply waited for the weapon spirits to gather their forces.

As the opponent was just a single Immortal, the weapon spirits' forces, which numbered in the thousands were extremely confident in their abilities to defeat the former quickly.

However, what the weapon spirits didn't expect was for the Immortal to perform a series of incantation gestures that led to the manifestation of a miniature sun.

The sun was an ominous shade of red, and in a casual manner, the Immortal had dropped it.

Upon the sun's fall, a devastating wave of scorching heat descended upon the frontlines—charring the earth black, and reducing most of the people there into drifting ashes.

By the end of that heatwave, only around 200 weapon spirits had remained.


"I see. So that's why that surnamed Li said it took over 200 weapon spirits to kill a level six. However, this number isn't exactly accurate now, is it?"

Nodding his head, Zhou Chen answers—

"Over 200 is the number that the military had come up with to prevent massive panic. As you may expect, all those who had survived the initial attack were capable of Partial-Apotheosis."

Glancing at the Owner, who had a look of discomfort on his face, Long Hua asks—

"Got something to say, Owner?"

"I honestly think I'd be better off not knowing about most of this."

"The story ended in the Sinners' victory, didn't it? Still, I guess, it's not a true victory?"

Turning back to Zhou Chen, Long Hua gestures for him to continue, while asking—

"So, how did you managed to kill this Immortal at the end?"

Heaving a sigh, Zhou Chen explains—

"That wasn't what I would consider a proper battle. Group by group, the remaining Sinners were cut down, and group by group, they would revive. We were essentially a pack of cornered dogs that refused to back down. Gradually, we managed to wear the Immortal out, and amidst this process of tiring the Immortal out, more than a hundred of us had fallen. At that point, I had only five other individuals beside me—with our equipment on the verge of falling apart."


Sipping the latte, Long Hua narrows his eyes, as Zhou Chen continues to say—

"I figured that me and the others would die then and there. However, I abruptly felt an overwhelming force of power welling up within me."


Parting his lips from the cup, Long Hua remarks—

"...Don't tell me this is going to be one of those cliché moments—where you awaken to some unknown power, and best the enemy in a single strike? Old man, aren't you too old to be experiencing such a cringeworthy situation?"

A chuckle comes from Zhou Chen in response to Long Hua's remark, and in a self-ridiculing tone, he replies—

"Despite my age, I do know what you're thinking of right now. But maybe that was simply just one of those moments? ...If only that moment had arrived sooner, then there wouldn't have been so many deaths."

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