AZI Volume 5 Chapter 38

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Watching a pack of weapon spirits traverse the frozen seas, Qing Ming Yang asks—

"...Where are they headed?"

Towards the question, Lin Yu Heng raises a frown of contemplation, and answers—

"They all came out of that cave, maybe they found something in there?"

Narrowing her eyes, Xia Ri'er replies—

"Our cultivation base is still sealed. They probably didn't find the Immortal Sealing Chain in there."

"...They wouldn't head out to the seas so randomly, there's probably another island in the direction they're headed."

Silence looms between the three upon Lin Yu Heng's words.

Eventually, Qing Ming Yang asks—

"Do we follow them? With their numbers, we don't stand a chance."

"...The sea is an open environment, there's no place for us to hide. Tch."

Sinking into thought, Lin Yu Heng clicks his tongue.

Looking up at the skies, Xia Ri'er remarks—

"If this snow worsens, it should help to cover us from sight—assuming, we follow them from an appropriate distance."

"...Doable, but we might end up losing sight of them as well."

Glancing at Qing Ming Yang, Xia Ri'er asks—

"You got any better ideas then?"

"...Suppose beggars can't be choosers."

The conversation that these three are having is akin to the sort of talk that a group of hunters going after an especially large game would have.

However, none of them could have possibly known that mixed in with the weapon spirits is an "abnormal thing" that would give anything or anyone—who stares at it wrong a beating.



Despite being the one to have suggested that they take a walk; Long Hua wasn't the one leading the group at the forefront. Instead, he chose to stay in the center.

To avoid putting too much pressure on one portion of the ice, the group splits themselves into three at most—with a set amount of distance between them.

Having her vessel lean over, the Tai Xuan Emperor asks—

"Thinking of something, master?"

"Hmm. Kind of want to go back into the hunting grounds."

Twisted, is one way to describe Long Hua's personality—for he simply hasn't had his fill of killing just yet.

(The sooner I manage to evolve my killing intent into slaughtering intent the better.)

Once that happens, all his attacks would receive a greater sense of sharpness to them—which would help greatly, if he were dealing with weapon spirits that need to be convinced that they have died when they are killed.

Raising a sigh, Long Hua mutters—

"That Hai Zang is going to require quite a bit of work..."

Recalling Hai Zang's mountainous figure, Long Hua feels like his only chance of defeating it would be to use the Machina Frame.

However, with the Machina Frame in its current weaponless state—

(Weapons and armor for the Machina Frame, I've got it all. You need only give me resources in exchange for them.)

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