AZI Volume 6 Chapter 40

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Pass the hours of seven PM, Long Hua returns to the port, and finds Tian Cheng standing in front of the yacht.

As he approaches, she turns to face him with her magenta-colored eyes open, and asks—

"Master, about what you said—regarding a will-?"


Cutting Tian Cheng off, Long Hua places his index finger to his lips.

"I see."

Closing her eyes, Tian Cheng nods.

The venomous smile on Long Hua's face—when he had made the silencing gesture, it all but confirms the answer that the Tai Xuan Emperor had thought of.


Within the dreamscape, the Tai Xuan Emperor pinches the bridge of her nose.

"This despicable bastard... Mindset wise, he's definitely returned to normal."


Qing Ming Yang's home is located in the outer areas of the Ling Yuan family's estate.

The size of it can't be considered spacious—for it only consists of a small courtyard with a single bedroom.

Inside Qing Ming Yang's room, which is made up of a single bed, along with a table surrounded by four chairs, at this time—

"Surnamed Qing, I...-"


Raising his hand, Qing Ming Yang cuts Lin Yu Heng off.

Placed onto the table is a pouring vessel, along with two ceramic cups, to which, Qing Ming Yang gestures to the tableware, and suggests—

"Let's have a drink first."


Filling the cups with wine, Qing Ming Yang pushes one of them closer to Lin Yu Heng, who is seated to the former's right.



With a bit of reluctance, Lin Yu Heng presses his cup to Qing Ming Yang's, while thinking—

(When there are business and secretive dealings to be made, wine and the likes must be involved...)

Sighing on the inside, Lin Yu Heng has already been informed of how Qing Ming Yang has been going around looking for others to join him on his venture—of searching for a specific weapon spirit within the Leng Bing Realm.

By no means is Lin Yu Heng slow in the head. Connecting the dots, he can guess this supposed weapon spirit to be none other than Long Hua or someone similar, and so—

"Surnamed Qing-"

"Ai, having downed a cup together, we're basically no different from sworn brothers. How about this? You can call me Qing-xiong or Ming Yang."


Realizing that Qing Ming Yang has no intentions of letting him off, Lin Yu Heng can only heave a heavy sigh, as he sets his cup down, and replies—

"Enough. Get to the point."


Scratching his cheek awkwardly, Qing Ming Yang sets his cup down, and asks—

"Lin-xiong must have already found out that Elder Hou has assigned me with a new task, right?"

"...I've heard."

"...I don't want to return to the Leng Bing Realm. But... I don't have a choice."


Towards the clear sign of dread in Qing Ming Yang's blue eyes, Lin Yu Heng places a hand to the former's shoulder, and encouragingly says—

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