AZI Volume 5 Chapter 45

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Looking at his glove, Long Hua suddenly understood why Wu Xiao had gone through the hassle of changing out of her boots after severing Wang Yongning's bloodline.

Similarly to Wu Xiao, Long Hua takes both gloves off, and tosses them aside to swap on a new pair.

Pressing his right foot down on Qing Ming Yang's head that is currently resting on the ground, Long Hua says—

"Surnamed... Whatever your surnamed is, how are you feeling right now? Surprised? Shocked? Refreshed? Any thoughts you want to share? I'm here to listen if you need it."

"A-Ah... Y-You...!"

Turning his head to the side, Qing Ming Yang glares up at Long Hua—wanting to say something, but the indescribable pain that is emanating from his lower body won't let him formulate a single word.

Smirking beneath his helmet, Long Hua says—

"Young man, I have something called a Lone Dog Incantation, anyone who cultivates it will be able to get rid of all their worldly desires, and become a true gentleman. How about I impart it to you, and once you've learned it, you can shave your hair and become a monk?"

Having salt rubbed onto his wounds in this manner causes Qing Ming Yang to spew out a mouthful of blood before fainting.


Shaking his head with a sigh, Long Hua kicks Qing Ming Yang aside, and turns towards Lin Yu Heng and Xia Ri'er, while asking—

"Who's next?"


Immediately, Lin Yu Heng glances at Xia Ri'er, who nervously takes five steps forward, and with a bashful expression on her face, she says—

"B-Big brother, I ask that you be gentle with me..."

The expression on Xia Ri'er's face—along with the curve-emphasizing posture that she is currently assuming, demonstrates this woman to be quite experienced with the art of seduction.


Feeling as if he had heard and seen the funniest thing in the world, Long Hua laughs aloud, as he approaches Xia Ri'er.

Rotating the Tranquil Heart Incantation, and with the power of the water element fully active, Long Hua tilts the balance of Yin and Yang energy in his body towards the Yin side through the Yin and Yang Cloud Ink Incantation.


Under the astonishment of the Tai Xuan Emperor, Long Hua's figure turns more slender with a modestly sized chest.


Removing the helmet, and allowing his pitch-black hair that reaches his waist to flow, Long Hua looks to Xia Ri'er with a dignified expression on his face.

"Y-You...? You're a woman?"


Just as dumbfounded as Xia Ri'er, the Tai Xuan Emperor widens her eyes within the dreamscape, and mutters—

"...Ah Yan?"

Muttering this name, the Tai Xuan Emperor's body trembles.


"No, this can't be...! The Ah Yan I know isn't someone so shameless!"

Shaking her head, the Tai Xuan Emperor instinctively refuses to overlap the figure of Long Hua with the person that she treasures as family.



Putting on a charming smile that would bewitch anyone regardless of gender, Long Hua presses his right hand to Xia Ri'er's cheek, and remarks—

"Little girl, elder sister's age is far greater than the amount of rice you've eaten throughout your life thus far."


Staring into Long Hua's azure-colored eyes, Xia Ri'er feels her own heartbeat rising.


Cutting Xia Ri'er off, Long Hua's expression turns cold, and—


*Pah!* slapping Xia Ri'er across the face, Long Hua continues to say—

"I don't care if you're the most hideous monster, or some peerless beauty. Your gender doesn't matter to me. I'll treat anyone who looks at me funny or thinks to offend me—all the same. All of them will be beaten into a pig head."


*Pah! Pah! Pah!* in a rapid manner, Long Hua continuously slaps Xia Ri'er across the face.

A woman who thinks that she can get away with anything by pulling out a charming smile, or acting coy, a vixen of this nature is the sort that Long Hua despises the most.

*Pah!* slapping the swollen-faced Xia Ri'er one more time, Long Hua says—

"Go cool your face off."

Clenching his right hand into a fist—


Long Hua punches Xia Ri'er in the abdomen—sending her flying into the cold waters.

*Pah!* crashing into the cold waters back first, Xia Ri'er's body momentarily floats up to the surface—looking no different from a corpse that had died out at sea.

Lowering his fist, Long Hua remarks—

"Hmph. Who was it that said, a man cannot ever hit a woman? I guess it doesn't matter if I'm a woman myself?"

Severing a portion of his hair, and putting the helmet back on, Long Hua restores his body to its original state. And turning to Lin Yu Heng, he says—

"You're the strongest among this group, don't disappoint me."


Drawing out his spear, Lin Yu Heng steps forward, and states—

"My surnamed is Lin, full name is Lin Yu Heng, might I ask yours?"

"Oh? You actually have manners?"

Facing Lin Yu Heng, Long Hua answers—

"Surnamed Long, full name—Long Hua."

Drawing out Shui Yue, Long Hua immediately unleashes his killing intent, causing Lin Yu Heng to feel as if he is facing a pit of serpents.


With a solemn expression on his face, Lin Yu Heng holds his spear with both hands, and rotates his Core Formation realm—peak stage cultivation base, to its absolute limit.


Narrowing his eyes, Long Hua detects a trace of energy that is akin to sword Qi—emanating from Lin Yu Heng's body.

(Spear intent? Spear Qi, is it?)

Any sort of weapon—when cultivated to great mastery, will cause the associated intent to manifest in the practitioner. And through this intent, the Qi associated with it can be demonstrated.

*Aooooouu!* detecting the sound of a sonorous howl, Long Hua sees a golden dragon's phantom coiling around Lin Yu Heng's spear.

From the looks of it, Lin Yu Heng intends to settle this battle in a single move. 

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