AZI Volume 6 Chapter 10

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"I'm willing to climb a mountain of blades at senior's command! I-"

Having heard enough nonsense out of Qing Ming Yang's mouth, Long Hua says—



Continuing to kneel, Qing Ming Yang performs one more kowtow.

And despite finding it awkward to ask Long Hua anything, Qing Ming Yang still can't help but nervously ask—

"Senior, if the elders of my family...-"

Cutting Qing Ming Yang off with a cold laugh, Long Hua says—

"Your report is your issue, not mine. The terms of our contract are—you are not to speak of my existence to anyone."

"But surnamed Xia's wounds would..."

As Qing Ming Yang looks at the badly wounded Xia Ri'er, Long Hua asks—

"Surnamed Qing, are you stupid?"

Making a lifting gesture, Long Hua causes the jade sword to bounce off the ground—prior to tossing it over to Qing Ming Yang.

*Klang.* upon the jade sword landing near Qing Ming Yang's knees, Long Hua continues to say—

"The dead tells no tales."


Having said these words in the past himself, Qing Ming Yang's expression turns incredibly awkward, as his lips twitch.


"If you don't want to kill her, that's fine as well. Simply cut off her tongue, fingers, and toes, while also not forgetting to stitch her mouth as well. It wouldn't do to leave her capable of written communication after all. As for the excuse... Just tell your elders that you found a rare opportunity in this realm—one that you're not willing to share with another, and had decided to silence this clansman of yours. As the saying goes, fated opportunities can be met, but cannot be begged for. If a practitioner misses one of them, who knows when they might be able to encounter another? Until whatever treasure it is actually lands into your hands, and is refined, it cannot be considered your own."

Turning to Qing Ming Yang with a venomous smile, Long Hua continues to say—

"Surnamed Qing, this is common sense in the practitioners' circle. How did you forget it?"


Looking at the smiling Long Hua, Qing Ming Yang feels as if he is staring at the vilest existence alive.

Suddenly, Qing Ming Yang feels like this entire situation couldn't have been a coincidence, as he thought—

(Goddammit, Xia Ri'er's slip up must have been a setup by this monster! If...-! If I had lost control over my emotions as well...!)

Glancing at Xia Ri'er's current state, cold sweat rolls down Qing Ming Yang's face, as he feels like he had narrowly dodged a fatal blade strike.

Being disfigured for a man isn't too great of a deal, but having one's cultivation base drop by an entire realm and more—it's simply far too cruel for any practitioner to endure.


Clapping his hands, while laughing, Bai Wen had to agree with these words, as he remarks—

"Surnamed Qing, if you choose to silence her, I won't say anything either. Those flames have burnt her so well—that the moment her flesh and blood body die, her soul will cease to exist as well. As for Lao Long's advice—whether the elders buy it or not... I guess, you can only pray that they do?"

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