AZI Volume 6 Chapter 44

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Opening the tent's front entrance, Long Hua gets out of it with Tian Cheng, and quickly begins to pack the items away.


Looking at Long Hua's unusual behavior, Li Zi Xiang narrows her eyes, and asks—

"Long-laoban—being in such a hurry, is something wrong?"

"If you really think something is wrong, then you're welcome to do the same."


Suddenly recalling the incident that happened in the first ruins, where Long Hua had left everyone to fall down a trap platform, Li Zi Xiang raises a frown.


Thinking of the same incident, Shao Tianming presses his brows together.

"...Pack up."

Upon Ye Chen muttering this, Li Xue and Qing Yue begin to dismantle their tents.

And following Qing Yue's actions—

"...Start packing."


The nearby Moon Guards did the same.

"You seem to be recalling an unpleasant memory."

Towards Wang Yongning's remark, Shao Tianming nods, and replies—

"We're following him. Start packing up."

"Very well."

Turning to Hui'er and Zhang Yong, Wang Yongning gestures with his thumb.

"What's going on?"


If it was only one group beginning to pack up, it wouldn't have attracted the others' attention, but as more people begin to do the same, those who haven't can't help but feel concerned.


With a frown on his face, the captain of Shen Le's office, Teng Hao presses his ear to the ground.

Straining his ear, and blotting out the sound of the rain that is hitting the trees' crowns, Teng Hao knits his brows together tightly.

Momentarily, he abruptly raises his head with a pale complexion, and remarks—

"...There's people headed our way."

"Couldn't it be just been another group? What's the point in being so concerned?"

Shaking his head, Teng Hao answers—

"They seem to be in a hurry. There's no reason for them to be in such a rush, especially in this weather, unless..."

"...If they're in such a hurry, they could be running away from something."

Rising to a stand, Duanmu Chen calls for the others to begin packing up.

And in the same instance—

"Right then, people, good luck."

Having packed everything away, Long Hua and Tian Cheng head west.

Soon after, Ye Chen and the others followed their footprints to catch up—with the Moon Guards, being the next group to follow.

From there, it's the Ashen River Hall, and Shen Le's group.


Dashing through the muddy forest—

"Long-laoban, how did you discover them so quickly?"

Towards Shen Le's question, Long Hua answers—

"Technology really is convenient, isn't it?"


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