AZI Volume 5 Chapter 49

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Staying a few meters behind Long Hua and Tian Cheng, the three practitioners of the Ling Yuan family followed after the two.


With a frown on his face, Lin Yu Heng looks from left to right at random. Eventually, unable to hold back his curiosity, he shouts—

"Senior, that thing you have in your mouth, what is it?"

Halting his footsteps, Long Hua turns his head to the side, and looks to Lin Yu Heng.

"This is called a spirit herb cigar."

"Spirit herb cigar?"

"It's made by rolling spirit herbs. You know how mortals tend to smoke tobacco through a pipe, right? Same idea."

Hearing this, the three widen their eyes as they halt their footsteps.




Perfectly good spirit herbs—not concocted into perfectly good pills, but were instead rolled into a cigar that is being smoked, a normal practitioner would surely think that the creator of such an item was a lunatic.

"Surnamed Lin, how about this? I'll give you one cigar if you trade me a rare metal or mineral. Magic treasures will do as well."

When the three had fainted, Long Hua had attempted to look into their storage devices. However, the quality of their storage devices was rather high, and were sealed with a magic array—making it impossible for him to open them without risking a chance at them self-destructing.

To counter this in the future, the Tai Xuan Emperor has already started to make changes to the divine weapon. However, magic arrays are a complicated subject—at most, she can probably make the divine weapon break through a small-scaled array, but anything beyond that would be difficult.

As for trying to steal Lin Yu Heng and Qing Ming Yang's magic treasures—these two had decisively refined them into their life-bound magic treasures, much to Long Hua's surprise.

If magic treasures of this nature were destroyed, the practitioner they were bound to could end up losing their life in the worst-case scenario; as for attempting to refine these magic treasures for a plunderer's own use, it would be difficult—unless their owners are already dead.


Reaching into his storage pouch, Lin Yu Heng fishes out a fist-sized ore, and—


Tosses it towards Long Hua.

Catching the ore, and examining it in his hand, Long Hua raises an eye.

"Heavy Yin iron."

Taking out a cigar, Long Hua tosses it behind him before resuming his stride.

Catching the cigar, Lin Yu Heng thought for a brief moment—prior to igniting it, and placing it to his lips.

Sucking in a deep breath of air—


Widening his eyes, Lin Yu Heng exhales with a look of immense satisfaction on his face. For a brief instance, he feels as if all the powers of Heaven and Earth had been at his disposal.

"This is...! Such satisfaction...!"

Seeing the light in Lin Yu Heng's eyes, Qing Ming Yang is also tempted to try it, as he asks—

"Surnamed Lin, can I have a puff?"

Turning away from Qing Ming Yang, Lin Yu Heng replies—

"Buy one yourself."

Even though the heavy Yin iron isn't worth much at an auction, it is nevertheless able to be sold for a bit of spirit stones.

"Ah that's... Ai..."

Feeling a bit of heartache, Qing Ming Yang looks to Long Hua's back, and gritting his teeth, he takes out a black metal ore.

"Senior, I want a cigar as well!"

As the black metal ore flies towards him, Long Hua catches it without turning his head around.

"Adding this should make ten-rolls."

Storing the ore away, Long Hua tosses a cigar back to Qing Ming Yang, who quickly ignites it for a puff.


A similar expression of satisfaction appears on Qing Ming Yang's face, as the pain emanating from his lower body subsides further.

(Perfectly good resources just wasted...)

Glancing between the two, Xia Ri'er feels as if she is looking at two lunatics.


Drawing up the gacha interface, Long Hua hits the ten-roll button—


Only to end up receiving a bunch of quality-of-life items.

(Ai, 4,600 exchange points. So far from being able to purchase the battle armor.)

"...Shut your damn trap."

Begrudgingly, Long Hua continues to mutter—

"Screw the idea of spending 500,000 exchange points. I'll just pull it out of the gacha."

Towards these words, the Tai Xuan Emperor smirks within the dreamscape, and replies—

(Dreams are a beautiful thing, *-laoban. You can have anything in them.)

Having set the Nu Luo Battle Armor to not appear in the gacha pool, the Tai Xuan Emperor can't help but look to Long Hua with eyes of pity—as if she is looking at a naïve child that doesn't know their way around the world.


Reaching the end of the ice, Long Hua stands in front of the seas. Further up ahead, he sees an island with what seems to be three mountains.

Opening his storage pouch, Long Hua takes out the modified yacht that is equipped with five underbelly engines.

The entirety of the yacht is 15 meters in length and is grey in color.

The yacht's first floor, its deck consists of a kitchen behind the cockpit cabin. And behind the kitchen area is the living space, which consists of two square tables surrounded by bench seats in an L-shaped arrangement on both sides.

Further up ahead, near the stem is a bed, which can be folded into a bench to allow for fishing or sunbathing.

The second floor, which is below the deck—is the bedroom area, with a hallway between the actual bedroom and the bathroom that is equipped with a shower.

"Right, here we part ways. Good luck making it to the island, you three."




Hopping onto the yacht with Tian Cheng, Long Hua snaps his fingers, causing the stern of the vehicle to fold upwards.


Receiving this command, the yacht begins to move—leaving the three practitioners of the Ling Yuan family stunned in place. 

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