AZI Volume 5 Chapter 6

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*Kakaka!* with every punch that is received by Zhang Yong's face, the wider the cracks around the right horn of his helmet grew, and eventually—

*Pah!* the horn snaps, and with it, Zhang Yong's body flies backwards.


*Ping... Ping...* dropping the horn, and turning away from Zhang Yong, Long Hua heads for the restaurant entrance, while thinking—

(This is a classic "30 years ago, the river flows east, 30 years later, the river flows west; do not bully a juvenile just because he is poor" sort of situation...)

Pausing his footsteps to the side of Hui'er, Long Hua mutters—

"Little girl, you have a part in this as well. Keep a good eye on that dog of yours. Otherwise..."


Subjected to Long Hua's killing intent, Hui'er feels cold bodies creeping around her legs, and—

*Thud...* as Long Hua walks pass her, Hui'er's knees give out.

She naturally knows that she has a part in this—for Zhang Yong had always been jealous of "Long Hua" due to him being her childhood friend.



Approached by Long Hua—who is still covered in Zhang Yong's blood, while giving off a barbaric air, the crowd gives way.

In that instance, Shao Tianming and Wang Yongning came to the same conclusion—

(This surnamed Long is just a lunatic!)

(You can't talk sense with a lunatic!)

In the practitioners' circle, the strong is respected, while the weak is shunned.

If the strong believes that the weak is staring at them wrong, then that's all the reason the former needs to grant the latter a beating.

For Long Hua, who had been raised in such an environment, he believes himself to be perfectly reasonable for granting Zhang Yong a beating—even if the norms of this world would disagree.


Seeing the unusual gleam in Long Hua's eyes, which are many times sharper than before, Zhui Yun thought—

(The monster shrouded in white fog...)

Having seen the entirety of what went down just now, Zhui Yun's expression turns to one of dread, whereas Nian Yao Yao thought—

(It hasn't even been that long since we parted ways, but his temper, it seems to have gotten worse...)

In response to the situation, Nian Tao Tao thought—

(Brute strength alone to beat a Partial-Apotheosized Sinner down... He's far stronger than last time.)

Much of those within the crowd react with terror and wariness in their eyes, but in Chen Lan's case—

(H-How...! How fierce! This is exactly how a true man should behave! As expected of ancestor!)


Towards the amount of awe and respect that Chen Lan is directing at Long Hua, Li Zi Xiang shakes her head before pinching the bridge of her nose.


Just as less than ten meters of distance separates him from the hooded figure of Mo-laoban—


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