AZI Volume 5 Chapter 9

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Raising a sigh, Mo-laoban glances at the others, and says—

"Feel free to start eating. This is a wedding after all."

"Elder sister, did you clear the restaurant just for this?"

Towards Nuo'er's question, Mo-laoban chuckles, and answers—

"Who would want a bunch of faceless strangers attending their own wedding just to have a presentable number?"

"A wedding I didn't agree with..."

Towards Long Hua's remark, Mo-laoban returns her attention to him, and asks—

"And what exactly are you dissatisfied with, my dearest?"

Raising her right hand, Mo-laoban pinches Long Hua's chin—as if she is an examining a fragile gemstone.

"Surnamed Mo, we don't even know each other."

"Maybe that's the case right now, but the future is everchanging."

Shaking off Mo-laoban's hand, Long Hua replies—

"I don't have feelings for you."

"But I have feelings for you. If you like someone, you should stick to them, I'm only following what I believe in."

Despite being given permission to eat, not a single person is willing to take their eyes off the two's exchange.

Narrowing his eyes, Long Hua asks—

"What exactly is it that you even like about me? I don't mind changing it to something that you'd dislike."

"Does a person really need a reason to like someone else?"

Smiling while blinking her amber-colored eyes, Mo-laoban adds—

"Not to brag, but most men would get down on their knees, and beg me for my hand in marriage."

Appearance wise, Mo-laoban is well above average. As for status and wealth—

"Besides, marrying me means you become the proprietor of this restaurant."


With this restaurant serving as an auction house as well, it's inevitably going to be a place where items of high value will be swapped from one hand to another. Being its proprietor under these circumstances means—

(If I see any magic treasures being registered, I can negotiate with the seller ahead of time, and buy it directly off them. That would be convenient...)

(*-laoban, she kind of has you beat. Also, she's basically saying it's fine if you're just a gold digger. Honestly, she's a rare one.)

Ignoring the Tai Xuan Emperor's remark, Long Hua says—

"There's no such thing as a free lunch between Heaven and Earth. What do you get out of this, surnamed Mo?"

Maintaining her smile, Mo-laoban answers—

"As my husband, you have a duty to entertain me by playing the flute for me. Ideally, one tune a week. If you miss a week, you must make up for it."

"Anything else?"

"Since you're going into the ruins, you must naturally bring back as much loot as possible. Purchasing items directly from sellers isn't exactly cheap—even if the currency used is mortal realm currency. Sometimes NWDs—regardless of their amount won't ever be enough for a collector to part with one of their treasures; in that case, you can trade them for it with something else. Also, if you find any flutes in the treasure pile—be sure to bring it back to me in one piece. Finally-"

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