AZI Volume 6 Chapter 8

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Despite having found Yao Ying—their second reason for coming into the Leng Bing Realm, Qing Ming Yang isn't in the mood to make any moves right now.

After all, the fact that they are currently within a Grounded City aside, this is Bai Wen's home—making it inappropriate for them to cause a riot.



The same cannot be said for Xia Ri'er.

Having had her face beaten so badly, Xia Ri'er is naturally peeved, and having found the perfect person to vent her frustrations on, she is quick to raise her hand towards Yao Ying's direction.

Just as Nuo'er is prepared to stand—




Instead of answering the question, Bai Wen merely glances at Nuo'er.


Pulling out of her seat by her hair, Yao Ying glares back at Xia Ri'er, and despite the fears in her heart, the former nevertheless says—

"Xia Ri'er, your face has never looked better."

As soon as these words are said—

*Pah!* Yao Ying feels a heavy slap landing onto her right cheek, along with a few strands of her hair being pulled out, as she takes five steps back in an unsteady manner.



Continuing to glare at Xia Ri'er, while a streak of blood flows out from the corner of her lips, Yao Ying thought back to what Long Hua had told her about scars inevitably appearing as one continues to live, and if she isn't able to accept these scars, then—

(...It would be best to die in tranquility ahead of time, was it? Maybe that would be best...)


Seeing the odd smile on Yao Ying's face, Xia Ri'er is immediately overwhelmed by a sense of unpleasantness.

To Xia Ri'er, an ant in the Foundation Establishment realm has no right to be putting on a smile in this situation. What they should be doing is groveling and pleading for their life to be spared.

Through pain and gritted teeth, Xia Ri'er says—

"Because of you...! If you weren't alive, I wouldn't have felt like coming into this world!"

Towards Xia Ri'er's unjustified hatred for her, Yao Ying replies—

"Oh? I'm surprised you cared that much about me."

Since she is already at death's doors, Yao Ying feels like she might as well let out all the unpleasant emotions that's been bottling up inside her. But first—

"Xia Ri'er, if you have any trace of compassion left, tell me who hired you to kill me, so that I would know who to haunt when I die."

Towards Yao Ying's request, laughter comes from Xia Ri'er, but the pain caused by the constant movement of her facial muscles forces her to halt.

"Ai, since you're so curious, I might as well answer it for you."

Taking a few steps forward, Qing Ming Yang smiles at Yao Ying, and continues to say—

"The ones who hired us to kill you are your siblings—Chén Shì Qīngshān (尘世清山) and Chén Shì Lán Máng (尘世蓝芒)."


Even now, Yao Ying still has that slip of paper that she had received back at New Moon Village. Written onto it is a guess that her siblings were the ones who had plotted to have her removed.

"I see..."

Chen Shi Qingshan—commonly known as Qingshan Zi, is Yao Ying's older brother, and the first-born child of their father, Chen Shi Xiao Yin.

Chen Shi Lan Mang—commonly known as Lan Mang'er, is the second born child, and is the older sister of Yao Ying.

As her right cheek burns with irritation, Yao Ying asks—

"Who else was in on this?"

"As far as I'm aware of, only those two. Ah but your maternal grandfather, I suppose—he is at least innocent. He threatened to pick a fight with the entire Ling Yuan family because of you."

Towards Qing Ming Yang's words, Yao Ying thought—

(The life I was leading before... Seems like I really can't get it back anymore—even if I returned.)

Thoroughly lost as to whom she can trust at this point, Yao Ying heaves a sigh of exhaustion. Even if her maternal grandfather can be trusted, he isn't here at this time to shield her.

As for those who are nearby, each of them has their own circumstances. They cannot possibly aid her.

"Surnamed Qing, your sword."


Pulling out the sword on his back, Qing Ming Yang allows Xia Ri'er to borrow it.


Pressing a cup of wine to his lips, Long Hua thought—

(So, this is it then? I was hoping this little girl would let that surnamed Xia slip up. That way, I can extract a valuable resource from her.)


As Xia Ri'er takes hold of the jade sword, Bai Wen says—

"Surnamed Xia, don't get blood on my terrace. In fact, do this somewhere else."


Towards Bai Wen's words, Nuo'er directs a cold glare at the former.

Turning to Bai Wen, Xia Ri'er asks—

"...Bai-daren, would it be possible for me to simply settle matters here? I do not mind cleaning the blood afterwards."


As Bai Wen contemplates the request, Yao Ying endures the burning pain coming from her right cheek, and remarks—

"The fact that you're in such a rush, you must have really encountered someone unpleasant."

"That bast-, no, that thing, it-!"

*Klang...* dropping the jade sword, Xia Ri'er presses a hand to her own mouth and throat with an expression of horror on her face.


"Surnamed Xia, wh-?"


Before Qing Ming Yang can ask, Bai Wen narrows his right eye, and sets up a barrier around the terrace.

Just as the barrier manages to cover the entire terrace area—

*Puuh...!* dark purple flames erupt from Xia Ri'er's body, causing her to raise a hysterical scream of agony.


Following the manifestation of these flames, a cruel smile forms on Long Hua's face. 

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