A feeling

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Lizzie's POV.

"So how was your first day?" I heard my best friend say on the other end of the phone.
"Well it was good, after work I went to dinner with some guys from the cast."
"Why do I feel like there's a but?"
"You were wrong about Valentina she is obnoxious and rude" I said feeling annoyed again.
"Did you do something to make her be like that with you? I mean she is kind and sweet"
"I didn't do anything. She was just mean to me"
"Well maybe she had a bad day, just give her time to let her head settle down, she's really lovely."
"If you say so"
"How long will you be in Toronto for?" Scar asks.
"I think six months"
"Oh I'm going to miss seeing your annoying face around here" she says making me laugh.
"I'm going to miss seeing you too but we can always call each other."
"Yeah you're right"
"Okay S I'm going to go to sleep tomorrow it's going to be a long day"
"Okay sweetie, take care"
"Same to you"

After I hung up the call I went to the bathroom to do my night routine it took me fifteen minutes to get ready for bed. I crawled inside the covers when I finally found the perfectly comfortable spot I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine as usual. It took me ten minutes then I went to have a simple breakfast, two slices of toast with jam. I went back to my room and started getting ready to go to the set.

When I got to the set I could see Valentina and Madelaine's cars already parked, it was good to know that I wasn't the only one who arrived early. I headed towards the makeup trailer. Just as I open the door I see her sitting in one of the seats while one of the makeup artists does her makeup.

"Good morning everyone" I said making my way to one of the seats near valentina.

The girls greeted me except for her, she didn't say anything or even look at me she just kept looking at her phone and then she started talking to her makeup artist God knows what they are talking about but she looks excited while talking, from what I can see she is someone who is very expressive with her hands and the gestures on her face. She was laughing as she kept talking.

For an hour straight she did not stop talking to her make up artist they both laughed at the things Valentina was saying, I for my part was also talking to my make up artist about how I like my make up and we also talked about each other to get to know each other a little better.

When we were all dressed we went to the place where we would start filming. The first hour passed slowly since I didn't have to intervene so much, I just said a few lines. What seemed like an eternity we finally finished that scene and we could continue with the next one where I would be one of the ones who would talk the most.

The scene was between Madelaine, Valentina and me, my character is a cop who is investigating the murder of Valentina's brother who is the main character. My character has to interrogate the two women so it's quite a long dialogue between the three of us which is interesting because I get to see the two of them in action.

To my surprise which wasn't that much of a surprise Valentina is quite talented and gives a lot of herself to her character and the scenes, she also improvises which makes working with her all the more smooth.

"As I told you before I don't know who killed my brother, if I knew you wouldn't be here and the person who did it would be behind bars" valentina says.
"Yeah we weren't even with him when that happened, we were at the club" Madelaine spoke up.
"I hope you two have proof of that," I said.

"Cut" Pedro said "you girls did amazing, go take a break before lunch".
"Okay" we all said at the same time.

I was about to go to my trailer when someone made to stop.

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