True blue

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Lizzie's POV.
(Please listen to true blue by Billie Eilish for a better vibe)

I'm driving my car, rethinking everything Valentina told me, it all makes sense now, her conversations with Kylie, the phone calls where she asked for information, her going to pick up the papers as soon as we got back from Aspen, her sudden change of mood, her not telling me about her family. It all makes fucking sense.

I had to park on an avenue because my tears wouldn't let me see the road, she is such a good actress she made me believe she really loved me, I was a fool I let her play with me and my family at her convenience.

I want to vomit, I want to scream, I want to take away all the pain I'm feeling. She took my heart with her. I hate her, I hate her with everything in me, I gave her all of me but that wasn't enough for her to put her revenge aside.

I can't believe it was all a fucking hoax, that she never loved me, she made it feel so real, now I'm here on the pavement crying my heart out as it starts to rain. This can't get any more depressing. My world is fading away I'm completely fucked.

I remembered that she suggested me not to go to my parents' house tonight and that scares me because now I don't know what she is capable of, it's like I have never met the real Valentina. I tried to calm down and started calling my parents but there was no signal because of the heavy rain.

I went home to change my wet clothes so I could go to my parents later, I don't know how it happened but I fell asleep in my bed when I finished changing my clothes. I guess so many emotions and crying left me exhausted.

I woke up the next morning to a phone call, it was my father.

"Lizzie listen to me, I need you to call our lawyers, they want to put us in jail for alleged fraud. Please call them and come to the police station as soon as you can, the twins, your mother and I need you."

I did as dad asked, I'm driving to the police station. I can't believe they are holding my family there. Once I got inside the place I met my family's lawyers.

When they explained everything to me, it all made sense again, this was Valentina's doing, she was not going to rest until my family paid for what she thought had happened.

When the police finally let me see my family, I told them everything that had happened and explained what Valentina thought had happened.

"Is that true, dad?" I said, really scared.
"No, of course not. We didn't kill anyone Lizzie" he says with tears in his eyes.
"Then why did she say that?" I asked crying feeling my chest heavy.
"I have no idea, I don't remember doing any direct business with you know their last name?"

Fuck! I was dating someone for several months and I didn't even know their last name, wow Lizzie you can't get any more idiotic.

"I'm sorry dad, but I don't know," I said through my tears.
"Don't worry daughter, we'll get through this," my mum says trying to calm me down.
"This is all my fault, I'm so sorry".
"Sis it's not your fault...our lawyers will do everything they can to get us out of here" Ash says with tears in her eyes.

The trial for my family would be in two days so their lawyers went to work with me to get my family out of all this. Luckily the media doesn't know about it yet.

After a lot of hard work we realised that at that time it was Franco Violi, a friend of my dad's, who was in charge of the company's business. My father had fired him because he was stealing money from the company.

He was the one who did business with Valentina's family, not my parents. He is the one to blame for all this happening and for Valentina's family being destroyed.

After discovering this I went as fast as I could to her house, maybe if I tell her everything we found out she will change her mind and drop the charges against my family and they won't have to go to court. 

I rang her doorbell and a few minutes later she opened it, I could see that she was surprised that I was here.

"It wasn't my parents" was the first thing I said.
"What are you talking about?
"The person who cheated your parents was not my family, it was Franco Violi who was in charge of doing business in the company" I explained.
"I don't care at this point I just want them to pay" she says coldly.
"It wasn't their fault, Valentina... read these papers" I pass her the papers that talk about Franco.
"I'm not going to read them" She didn't take the papers.

I feel so frustrated that she doesn't want to hear the truth.

"If you loved me even a little bit, please drop the charges against my family, it's not fair what you are doing, they are not to blame."
"It's never been you Elizabeth, it's Chace and it will always be him. I'm not doing it for you, and about your family we all get what we deserve" that's what she says before slamming the door in my face.

My legs couldn't hold me up anymore and I fell on the floor crying, my heart broken into a thousand pieces. Everything hurts and I am all alone, my family is locked up like criminals.

She has made such a deep pain in me that I don't think I can ever recover from this.

She confirmed to me that she never loved me and it was just an act she did, I was not enough for her to fall in love with me, it will always be him, and I was just a toy so she could get what she wanted.

I came home wanting to lie in bed and cry myself to sleep. The pain in my soul is more than I can bear. I hate her for putting my family through this suffering, I hate her for making my life impossible.

Once I touched the bed tears started to fall down my face, I don't know what to do to help my family. I know they did nothing wrong and I don't want to wait for the day of judgment to come. I don't want everything to become a media frenzy.

She is literally burying me alive, that's how I feel, suffocated and in pain, like I can't move, I can't do anything but let the lawyers do their job. This is all very frustrating.

I fell asleep crying, woke up the next day to the news that valentina is having a celebration party for her new company tonight. I can't believe she is having a party when the next day my family will have to go to court and she will have to defend her side.

This all seems like a nightmare, I wish I could wake up and none of this was happening, I want to turn back time and never meet her.
Heyy guys!!

I'm sorry about the sad chapters 🫣

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