Lost without you

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Valentina's POV.

So here I am ringing the Olsens' doorbell after almost three months without seeing them. I'm nervous about what might happen, I'm just praying that Lizzie isn't the one who's going to answer the door.

The door starts to open and my heart races, my hands are frozen with nerves as they hold the papers.

"Valentina" David says next to his wife.
"Mr. and Mrs. Olsen, I know I'm the last person you would want to see but I just need five minutes of your time."
"Don't worry, we're listening" Jarnett says.
"First I want to say I am so sorry for all the hurt I have caused, I was blinded by pain and hate, I know there is no excuse that is worth for what I did and I know I am not someone valuable to receive your forgiveness so I understand if you hate me...I have the company papers here, these are yours, I want to make it right, the company is yours again, Read everything in the papers well so you can be sure I have done nothing wrong, I also increased the percentage of the company for Lizzie. I hope that won't be a bother to you." I handed them the papers and started walking to my car.
"Valen" David says making me turn back to where they were. Now I am facing them again "we don't hate you, we once told you that you were like a daughter to us and you still are" he says making tears fall down my face.

"We couldn't hate you, we know that everything you did was because you were in deep pain and that was your way of dealing with it," Jarnett adds.
"Thank you for your sweet words. I am truly sorry for them.
"Do you want to have dinner with us?" Jarnett asks.

Oh god I really don't deserve this family, after all the bad things I've done they are still there for me.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I replied wiping away my tears.
"Come on Valen, we won't take no for an answer" David insists.

After a while of them trying to convince me I accepted, we sat at the table and they were looking at me with a sweet smile, they were asking me about how my life was and I was answering all their questions until I heard some laughter coming into the dining room.

"Oh my god Valen, I thought I would never see you again" MK ran up to me giving me a hug which I reciprocated instantly, I missed the twins too much.
"I missed you girls" I said after hugging Ashley as well.
"We missed you too, so much" Ash says.

We started eating dinner and having a conversation, I felt like little by little that emptiness that was there in my heart was filling but not quite.

"So how is the company doing?" David asks.
"Quite well in fact, we managed to increase sales by 85% which has been quite satisfying for everyone in the company."
"How have you managed that?" Ash asks in amazement.
"Well, it's good to listen to all the ideas that the employees have, that's what I do and we take the best ideas and put them into action... now that the company is yours again, that's my advice but you don't have to take it if you don't want to."
"Of course we will" MK says smiling.
"So what are your plans now?" Ash asks me.
"Oh I'm going to Toronto again."
"No, don't go" the twins say at the same time.
"Is that a decision already made?" Jarnett joins in.
"Please promise us you won't leave" David says.

Someone walked into the dining room making me look up and our eyes after almost three months finally met again. My heart started to beat faster.

"What is she doing here?" Lizzie says angrily.
"Lizzie calm down" MK says.
"No! She shouldn't be here!"
"Yes she is absolutely right, I should go, this was very nice of you guys, if you have any problems with the company papers my lawyers will be in contact with you" I said standing up from my seat.
"No, Valentina sit down and you Lizzie calm down and sit down for dinner... we are going to have a nice dinner" Jarnett said raising her voice, we both obeyed her.

They kept asking me questions about the company which I answered happily. Lizzie didn't say a word the whole dinner. That made me feel bad, I know all the hurt I've caused her and I think I know the only way to stop.

After the beautiful dinner I decided it was time to leave, I didn't want to bother her any more.

"This was a lovely dinner, thank you for everything."
"Wait are you really saying goodbye to us?" MK asks sadly.
"Please don't go" Ash joins in.
"It's the best I can do. I know staying here is going to cause more pain" I said telling the truth.
"If only stay a little longer." David says.
"I'm sorry but I have to pack my bags, the flight leaves very early in the morning. I'm really glad I got to see you one last time," I said standing up from the table and hugging everyone except Elizabeth who wouldn't even look at me. She was playing with her food.
"Lizzie show Valentina to the door" Jarnett orders.
"Why me?" Lizzie refuses.
"No need, I know the way out" I said trying to ease the awkward moment.
"No, she'll walk you to the door," her mother insisted.

I was walking towards the door, she was trailing behind me, my tears making it harder and harder to see the way for me.

Once at the door I turned to look at her, she is simply beautiful and I regret not having appreciated her when I could.

"I-I'm so sorry for what I did to you, I don't ask for your forgiveness because I know I don't deserve it" I said trying to let her understand that I am totally sorry "that I'm the last person you want to see and hear from, so I won't bother you anymore" I said handing her a letter which thank god she received "please read it, have a beautiful life Lizzie, you deserve the best in this world, I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to give it to you".

I walked to my car and left the house, I'm sure that leaving is the best thing for her, I know that seeing me hurts her. I have decided to love her from afar.
Lizzie's POV.

I dreamt of the moment I would see Valentina again, I had planned everything I would say to her but once I had her in front of me everything vanished. Knowing she's leaving broke and left a bigger void than I already felt.

Seeing her hurts me but not having her around hurts me more. When she gave me the letter I wanted to tell her so many things, I wanted to ask her not to go, not to leave me, but not a single word came out of my mouth.

I quickly went up to my room in my parents' house to read the letter in private.

"Lizzie, I know you hate me and I don't blame you for that, believe me when I tell you that I hate myself too, I hate myself for hurting your family, for stealing the company, for lying, for acting with pain and hate, for many things I hate myself for but the one I hate myself the most is for hurting you.

I fought so hard not to feel the love I have for you because I thought my parents would be disappointed, I did it for them. The months we lived together were the best thing that could have happened to me. And yes, it was real, every word I said to you, every thing I did for you, every "I love you" I said to you. It all felt real and it was real, you were the most real thing I could ever have. I don't think I can love someone the way I love you and that's why I'm leaving. I'm leaving because I don't want to hurt you anymore. I love you Elizabeth Olsen.

Forever yours. Valentina B."


Hey guys!!!!

Oh I didn't think Valentina would leave.

Hope you like this chapter🫶🏻

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