No time to die

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Lizzie's POV.

Oh god life has been good to me, everything is going perfect. I am the happiest person in the world.

I have a beautiful girlfriend, who cares about me and loves me. She is genuinely sweet, lately I have seen her mood change she is happier than before and that fills my heart.

Another month has passed and the media and fans have been trying to find out what's going on between the two of us. Valen is still not sure about putting our relationship in the public eye, she says the less people know the better it is for our relationship, less drama and less gossip. I guess she's right but I would love to be able to do normal couple things without having to worry about anyone seeing us.

Right now I'm at home making lunch, then going to my girlfriend's house to spend what's last of the day with her, she's been making different adventure plans for us lately, she said today is one of those days and I can't wait to find out what we're going to do.

Just as I was about to leave the house my phone buzzes, it's a call from my dad so I answer it quickly.

"Hey dad"
"Hey Lizzie, where are you right now?" He says concerned and irritated.
"I'm on my way to Valentina's house... dad what's up?" I said worried.
"I need you to come to the company right now, I can't give you details over the phone."

I drove as fast as I could, my dad didn't sound good on that call. Just when everything seems to be perfect in my life something has to come along and ruin it. I really hope it's not as bad as it sounds.

I parked the car and walked quickly into the building, I could feel the tension in the air but no one was saying anything to me, okay this is weird.

I opened my dad's office and he was sitting there with his head in his hands, he looked distressed. He raised his head to look at me and his eyes were full of tears. Oh god this is not good at all.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked coming up to him.
"Can you explain this to me?" he says showing me some papers.

I read them in detail and the tears started to come out of my eyes, the pain I started to feel was indescribable. I can't believe what I'm reading.

"Lizzie explain to me what the hell is this" he says raising his voice to me.
"Dad I don't know, I had nothing to do with this, I swear, I'm just as shocked as you are" I said crying.
"FUCK" he screams in desperation.
"What are we going to do?"
"There's nothing else to do, I've already spoken to my lawyers, they say that the documents are well done, we have no choice".

I started crying inconsolably, my heart hurts and I feel like I can't get any air in my lungs. I have never felt pain as deep as this.
(Please listen to the song no time to die for a better atmosphere).

Valentina's POV.

Finally a month has passed, my wait is finally over, I am in my living room waiting for Lizzie to arrive. She has been a little late but I guess it's only a matter of minutes before she arrives.

Just as I predicted my doorbell rang, I went to open the door with a smile on my face. She burst into my house, tears streaming down her face. I followed her until she decided to stop in the living room.

She looked at me for the first time since she entered my house.

"How could you do this? How could you do this to me?" she says crying and angry.
"I guess everyone has heard by now," I said with a smile.
"I can't believe you did this, I loved you and I still do, you said you loved me why did you do this?"
"Oh you really thought I could be in love with you?" I said laughing and she just ducked her head "you did, a person like me would never fall in love with someone like you or your family" I said with hatred.
"You hate me so much for being unfaithful to you that you decided to do this?" she asked crying in confusion.
"Oh god Elizabeth, the world doesn't revolve around you."
"I don't understand then"
"Let me walk you through first I didn't plan on going after you, but you were an obstacle in my way, I tried to push you as far away as possible but you just kept pushing your way into me. I was studying your family for years but I couldn't find their weakness, a few months ago my investigator found that you were your family's weakness so I had to get close to you, making you fall in love with me was easy, the hard part was trying not to hate you all the time I was with you. As the months went by I realized that you were not a bad person and I wanted to stop my revenge, but then you had to be unfaithful and that's when I decided to continue with my plan."
"Why would you have to take revenge on my family?" She asked still crying.
"Because your family killed mine."
"No, that's not true" She denied, I could see her heart break every time I said a word.
"Your parents would never have told you, but they did, they killed my parents and now I'm taking revenge for everything they put us through" I felt my eyes fill with tears.
"That can't be possible" she whispered.
"My parents were pretty well known fashion designers, they wanted to work with your parents so they had a meeting where they talked about their business plan. My parents believed all the crap your family told them and decided to invest all our money in the business. Your family said that once the designs were out in the stores, the money we invested would triple and that we would have it in our hands in a month, but the months passed and the money never came" I started to cry remembering every painful moment we went through.
"What happened next?" She says with her voice broken from crying so much. I take a deep breath before continuing to speak so I don't break down.
"After months and months of asking for our money your family finally told us they wouldn't give it to you understand how fucked up that was? We were broke, my parents had bet all our money on that damn business. We were all stressed and worried, we didn't know what to do, my parents didn't want me to know the truth of what was going on but I wasn't stupid and I figured it out... I started working to help them pay some bills but it wasn't enough. My mom started to get sick and every day she was getting worse, we took her to the hospital and the doctors said that from the stress she was going through she developed cancer, the doctors tried to do everything they could for her but it was too late she died days later" I was in tears and so was Elizabeth.
I continued telling her the story "after my mother passed away everything got worse, my dad went into a deep depression, he wouldn't leave the house and he didn't want to work. It was really hard because I had to take care of him and also try to pay all the debts we had, I was able to pay half of the debts thanks to the life insurance my mom had, but dad was still very bad, he stopped talking and now he wouldn't even come out of his room. After a month of my mother's death I started to record in some movies and that helped me to pay the rest of the debts, everything seemed to get better, my dad started to talk again and he even started to leave his room" she couldn't stop crying, the memory broke me into a thousand pieces. "One day he asked me if I could go shopping for food so I did, I left the house and it took me an hour to get back, it was the worst thing I could have done, I will never forgive myself for leaving him. When I got back he had committed suicide. He left a letter asking me to forgive him for giving up, he said he lost his soul mate and nothing would ever make sense again".

Elizabeth wasn't saying anything, she was trying to process every word I was saying.

"After my parents passed away I promised I would get revenge on those who did that to them, I promised I would honor them and fulfill their dreams, and here I am, fulfilling what I promised. Now the company my parents wanted to work with is mine and your family will pay for what they did to them."
"Isn't it enough for you that we've already lost our company?"
"Life isn't fair Elizabeth and I have to do justice for my own...don't go to your parents' house tonight I suggest."
"Wait what do you mean by that?" She asks a little startled.
"Just don't go" I walked to the door and opened it for her to get out.


Heyy guys!!!

Now we finally know what happened to Valentina's family.

Did you expect that to happen???

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