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Lizzie's POV.

"Please don't...don't do this to me...come on wake up" I heard her say crying in her sleep.
She abruptly jumped up in bed waking up shaking and crying.
"Hey baby, it's ok it was just a bad dream" I said softly so as not to scare her.
"Fuck I hate this shit it's exhausting" she says wiping her tears.
"You want to talk about it?"
"Not really"
"Love you haven't slept since we got back from Paris, you're worrying me."
"It's just stress, don't worry about it."

She went back to sleep I tried to do the same but my mind was busy worrying about my girlfriend, I don't know what happened to her after our dinner with my family but since that day she hasn't been able to sleep well, she always wakes up with nightmares which she never wants to talk to me about, I know something is tormenting her but I don't know how to help her if she won't let me.

The next morning I woke up to hear Valen talking on the phone.

V-"Yes, I promise it will only be two more weeks and I will be back".
V-"God, thank you Pedro, I love you, you are a life saver."

She hangs up the call and turns to look at me, a smile came to her lips as she saw me awake.

"Good morning my love" she says giving me a peck on the lips.
"Good morning baby, who were you talking to?"
"Oh just to Pedro, I was asking him if he could give me two more weeks off because there is a problem in my company and I have to take care of that before I leave" she explains easily.
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I'm sorry honey, I've been very busy and I forgot".
"I don't want to leave without you, I mean tomorrow we would have to go back to Toronto" I said sadly.
"I'm sorry honey, I really want to go with you but I can't leave before I solve this problem. Besides, it will only be two weeks, it will go by fast."
"But I'll miss you" I said pouting.
"I'll miss you too" she said giving me a kiss on my forehead.
"Promise me you'll take care of yourself and come to me safely."
"I promise you, I'll take care of myself"

I don't want to leave without her, I don't know why but I feel something in my chest when I think about her not being with me, I just hope those two weeks go by fast so I can be with my baby again.

The rest of the day we spent together, she helped me pack my bags and we made sure I had everything I needed. We had a cuddle session on the couch while watching movies. It's been two months since we've been girlfriends and she has been the perfect girlfriend, she makes me feel safe, loved and understood, she never judges me and listens to everything I have to say. I'm just so in love with her, I love every little thing she does to the biggest thing. She makes me laugh every day, I'm so lucky to be able to call her mine.

It's been a week and two days since I arrived in Toronto, all these days have been difficult without Valen by my side, we have FaceTime before going to work, on our breaks and before going to sleep but it's not the same, she has told me that things look better with her company but she still has to stay for a few more days to make sure everything will be ok.

I miss her like you have no idea, in this time I have spent with her she has become my whole world, I just wish she was here by my side. The bright side of all this is that I only have to wait for her for a couple more days.

Another good thing is that Dani decided to come with me to Toronto, he has an advertising campaign to do here so it's cool not to be so lonely after all, we've spent all this time hanging out watching movies or cooking. It's pretty nice to have him here.

Tonight we are going to a club as neither of us want to spend the night here depressed, well it's more me that's depressed because my girlfriend hasn't texted or called me all day, she hasn't even answered my texts and that bothers me a lot.

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