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lol lights plays olivia bc she's my wife

"What are you wearing for tonight, Liv?" I called out from my closet. The cool thing about this dorm is that I had my very own closet, which I very well needed. Hell, we even had a built in bathroom! There was no way I was going to live at a school where the whole building had to share the same community bathroom.

Call me high maintenance if you want, but I wasn't about to be that close with everyone's business. No thank you.

"Prepare yourself." I heard her call out from the bathroom. I stepped out of the closet and looked over to where the bathroom door was opening. Out jumped a figure wearing a skin tight, red dress that only covered the necessary and important parts.

She looked great. Maybe I was a little jealous considering I was wearing a crop top and high waisted shorts. I'm more of a casual dresser.

"Wow, I think I'm gay." I commented jokingly. She playfully rolled her eyes and waved me off, "Oh shucks, you're too much." She skipped over to me. And by 'skipped,' I mean trotted. This girl was wearing stilettos with the height equivalent to the length of my face!

I turned back to my mirror hanging on the back of my closet door, "Should I wear a hat?" I asked her once her reflection joined mine. She began to play with my dark locks while taking in my outfit choice, "I think we need to get you in some heels. And yes, add a hat." She spoke before trotting off to only God knows where now.

I reached up on top of my closet shelf and grabbed my black hat. I placed it on top of my head and moved some hair over my shoulders. I felt very plain.

Then I realized, I'm in fucking college now...about to meet some college boys.

What the hell was I thinking wearing this shit?

"I'm changing!" I yelled before yanking off my top and hat and searching for something else. I spent a good five minutes just rummaging through my clothes trying desperately to find something semi-decent to wear.

"Hold on, Rebecca! I found something!" Olivia called out. I exited my closet shirtless (I had a bra on, don't worry) and walked over to her closet. There, Olivia stood holding a little black dress with matching close toed heels.

All I did was nod approvingly, "Let's hope it fits."


I walked with Olivia to a house that was vibrating from the music. It only took three knocks for the door to open and have us invited in. The guy opening the door was none other than Calum from earlier on, "Hey, you made it!" He shouted over the sounds coming from inside the house.

Olivia instantly attached herself to him once we both stepped foot into the house. I took a good look around and instantly came to the conclusion that we were at a fraternity. This should get pretty interesting to say the least.

"Is this your frat?" I shouted questioningly. Calum shook his head and leaned closer to me so I could hear him, "No I'm just friends with the members." He told me. I nodded in response as Olivia took my hand, "Let's go get a drink."

We made our way over to the drink dispenser and grabbed one red solo cup each. Filling both of our cups up, I quickly went right in for the kill; downing ever last drop. I cringed at the stinging in the back of my throat before tossing my head back for a smoother swallow.

"Girl knows how to drink! Let's see if she can dance." A voice sounded behind me. I already felt a buzz starting to kick in, so I was up for dancing no matter who it was with. "Michael Clifford. What a nice surprise." Olivia smiled. I turned around to see the guy who she was referencing to.

The first thing I noticed was the punk rock vibe he was definitely trying to get across. And it was working. With his pitch black hair, eyebrow piercing, and tattoos, he was easily my type.

Actually, boy is my type. Let's be honest here.

"Clifford? As in the big red dog?" I pointed out. His right eyebrow rose as the corner of his mouth pulled back into a smirk, "Sexy, I know. How about you tell me who you are, beautiful?" He hardcore flirted. I couldn't help but to blush at his compliment. Or that could have just been the alcohol taking effect.

"Rebecca." I told him. His eyes were intense. And I loved that it had a captivating hold onto my own, "How about a last name?" He asked. By this time, Olivia had left us alone. My guess is that she went to go find Calum. I grinned slyly, "Maybe you can get that out of me later." I flirted back.

He brought his red solo cup up to his pink lips and took a sip, "So what do you say about that dance?" He sat down his cup on the table nearby and held out his bent arm for me to lock elbows with. I gladly accepted, "I say let's go."

We walked to the dance floor and his hands instantly locked themselves onto my swaying hips. We moved to the beat of whatever shitty song was playing and laughed at the drunk couples disgustingly making out around us.

We danced for a while. Casually grinding into each other, throwing compliments, and drunken slurs.

Me being a panting and drunk mess, I had to pee. I leaned in to his ear and told him I would be right back. He nodded, "I'll be right here, princess."

I smiled and walked, well skipped, to the stairs. Slightly curious to what was up there, I made my way up the steps. Once up to the second level, almost all the doors in the hallway were shut. Randomly selecting a door and knocking on it, I shouted, "Hey, I gotta pee!"

I leaned my head up against the wall beside the door and kept knocking annoyingly until it finally opened. There stood an extremely annoyed girl who just brushed past me passive aggressively. I looked inside the room and all be damned, it was the bathroom! Hallelujah!

I quickly did my business and fixed my appearance with desperate endeavors to not look like a hot mess. After washing my hands, I left the bathroom. I swung around the frame only to slam right into a rock hard, walking body. The impact was so forceful that I went flying backwards.

Thankfully the person grabbed me by the arm, "Watch where you're going, will you?" A deep voice yelled at me. I fixed myself upright before locking eyesight with a pair of baby blue orbs.

There, standing before me was a tall, blonde boy. He was a stunner, I will say. But rather rude, which was a boner killer. Then I noticed his lips holding a cigarette in between them, "Need a light?" I asked him while taking out my lighter along with my own pack of smokes. Kill 'em with kindness.

He quickly yanked the smoke from his mouth and gave me a condescending look, "Don't you know these things will kill you?" He asked me. I flickered my eyes back up to his intimidating ones, and back down to the cigarette he was holding up in front of my face.

I took it from his fingers and placed them in between my own lips and lit it up, taking in a long puff. I blew the smoke out from the corner of my mouth, "Isn't that the point?" I commented before snaking around him and rejoining the party again.

looking for alaska af xD hope yall are liking it so far! don't worry i didn't forget about ashton, his sunshiny arse will be here soon :D

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