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"I changed my mind."

"No, you can't do that! You agreed to do it!"

"That was before I saw how many people were here!"

"Oh come on. I promise I won't leave you."

"I'm not sacrificing my masculinity."

I slammed my palm into my face as I stood out on the ice rink waiting for Luke to grow a pair and skate with me like he said he would. He already had his skates on his huge ass feet, now all he needed to do was step onto the ice and grab my hand, but no. He's too 'manly' for that and can't have this many people see him ice skate.

"Mind, you don't even know these people." I pointed out. He looked around the rink as if he were looking for someone that would point out his insecurity and laugh.

I giggled, "Luke, nobody cares that you don't know how to ice skate."

"People are mean. If and when I bust my ass on the ice, I'm getting made fun of." He told me.

I rolled my eyes and skated closer to him holding out my hand, "Come on, do it for me?" I waited for his larger hand to grab ahold of mine. It wasn't long before I felt the warmth of his hand finding its way to mine followed by his voice, "Fine."

I grinned from ear to ear and waited for him to let go of the wall with his other hand, "It's easy, you just glide. Feet, shoulder-width apart, and balance." I taught him. We held onto each other's wrists as we faced one another. I was skating backwards and tugging on his arms gently bringing him with me.

His eyes were glued onto his feet. He was tense and so focused on not falling. I really hope he didn't because I'd be going down to the ice with him if he did.

"See? Piece of cake!" I exclaimed to him as the endless parade of people skated past us. I started to let go of him so he could balance on his own, but his grip on me only tightened, "Don't let go." He panicked.

It was honestly the cutest thing seeing him so vulnerable. You could tell he hated it, too.

"I won't, promise. Let's go a bit faster, yeah?" I suggested and quickened my pace at which I was pulling him along. He didn't even look up from his feet once, he was no nervous.

"I'm going to move next to you, okay?" I said after my arms began to get tired from tugging him along. He nodded and hesitantly let go of my left wrist so I could maneuver around him. My right hand still connected to his left, I skated to his side.

"You're doing so well! You don't even need me anymore." I tried to build up his confidence so he would try and skate on his own without having to hold onto me. Not that I didn't enjoy him being dependent on me because I did. A lot.

"I don't like this," He sounded like a three year old scared to jump into a pool for the first time. "The constant anxiety; I don't like it." He added on. I tried to hold back my laughter even though anxiety isn't funny.

"We can leave once I see you skate alone." I compromised. He snapped his head up to look at me with wide, worried eyes, "Alone?" He asked. I nodded, "Yup."

"Without you?"

"That's what alone means, yes."

"Do you want me to die? I'm Australian, I'm not built for this sort of activity." He whined.

"Stop crying like a little bitch and let go of my hand." I encouraged. Usually I get the best results when I'm mean.

"And there goes my masculinity." He commented.

I shook my hand out of his grip and skated a few feet ahead of him before turning around, "Honey, that was gone the minute you stepped out here." I teased.

He shot me a funny face and slowly moved his feet. I watched as he began to skate towards me. I felt like celebrating because it was like I was his proud mother.

And then he fell.

My hand flew up to my mouth, and I skated over to his aid, "You good?" I questioned and held out my hand to help pull him up. He gladly took it and grunted in response.

I pulled him up and kept my grip on him this time, "Okay, let's maybe do something else."


"The Christmas tree lighting isn't for another hour, so we could walk around and shop?" I suggested as Luke and I walked the streets of Jersey City. It was always so beautiful this time of year. But cold. Very cold.

"Sounds good."

After a solid fifteen minutes of walking around and avoiding the huge crowds of people, we went into a little store that had cute, all arts and crafts things. I was instantly drawn to the food decorations for baking.

Secret passion: love to bake and cook.

Luke had wandered off to another section of the store, and I took this opportunity to search for something he would like. Yes, I'm getting him something for Christmas. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he got me something, and I didn't for him.

Finding nothing that was 'Luke' enough, I resorted to my last option. I ran to Spencer's when I told Luke that I would be in the bathroom. Going right over to the cups and mugs section, I saw a mug that said: 'a giant cup of who the fuck knows' And bought it.

I left the store only to be confronted by Luke himself, "You bought something, I knew it. What did you get?"

"You'll find out tomorrow."

He shook his head and blew out some air from his nose before draping his arm over my shoulders, "Want to go watch an evergreen tree light up?" He asked.

I smiled, "Hell yeah."

The lighting was the same as it always been, only this time I had Luke with me. He stood behind me with his front pressed to my back and his arms draped over my shoulders. Our fingers absentmindedly playing with one another's as we stood there admiring the huge tree in front of us.

It was perfect, but all perfect moments had to come to an end.

Now we made it back to my place and it felt emptier than ever. I kicked off my shoes and turned to Luke, "Want a tour?" I asked.

"Of your room." He winked. I playfully pushed him and walked over to my staircase and started climbing up. He followed me closely behind because he would definitely get lost.

"Your house is big." He stated the obvious.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"I would kill to live in a place like this." He continued.

I looked back at him, "No you wouldn't. This house may be big, but the family inside is small and broken."

He gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry."

I drew in a breath and continued up the stairs, "It's fine." I chirped. I made it to my room and pushed through the door. It was exactly the way I left it four months ago.

Without character.

Luke wasted no time in diving into my queen bed which is a huge upgrade from the twin bed I've been used to. I smiled as he held his arms open for me to join him.

"You're making this really hard, you know." I said and climbed into bed with him.

"What?" He asked.


this is making me want christmas to hurry up LOOOL I DIDNT PROOFREAD SRRY FOR ANY EDITS ILL FIX THEM LATERRRR

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