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jshskshfks im so excited to write the sexy time scenes but they aren't coming for a little while, BUT THEY ARE DEFINITELY COMING I PROMISE!!!

It only took a solid five minutes for me to feel the effect of the joint I was inhaling.

I'm usually a good noodle and stayed away from weed, but tonight I was feeling a little risky.

Maybe it was the person offering it who made me want it.

Or perhaps it made dealing with Luke a little easier.

Whatever the reason, it didn't matter. I was as high as a kite.

I couldn't control my giggles as Ashton and I shared a joint. I watched with a huge grin on my face as he took in a puff before handing it back to me, "You're not the freshman, right?"

I sucked one last puff in before handing it over for good, "Why, is that a turn off?" I questioned jokingly.

I stepped closer to him and ran a hand down his torso. I felt his perfectly sculpted, clothed abs underneath my touch.

I swear my eyes rolled to the back of my head from the amount of enjoyment this gave me.

"'Rebecca the Freshman' is apparently off limits. Which means, I'm going to get my ass kicked!" He flailed his arms up above his head.

My eyes widened, "Hold on, someone claimed me?!" I shouted.

Ashton just shrugged, "Um, no. Pretend I didn't say anything."

"Who was it?"

"Okay time is up, make sure everyone is decent before exited the room!" Olivia's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

I sighed and walked up to it and opened it. I was met with a grinning Olivia; I just slithered past her to avoid any awkward questions shot in my direction.

I rejoined the group on the first level and it wasn't long before Ashton and Olivia came down as well.

We all eventually got bored of the game, and we dispersed. Olivia and I went to the dance floor while Ashton went to go socialize with Michael and Calum.

I briefly glanced over a few times to check on Ashton to see if any bimbos were trying to hit on him, and sure enough, it happened.

I really didn't care to be honest, what I cared about was the fact that Luke was with them.

I really couldn't tell you why...

And then it hit me, 'Rebecca the Freshman.' Luke looked over at me, and we made eye contact for a split second before I looked away.

I'll take that as my cue to get the fuck out of here.

I leaned down to whisper to Olivia that I was taking off, and I made my way to the exit.

Was Luke the one who claimed me?


I walked home considering it was fairly close to campus.

I really didn't think anything of it, until I heard footsteps behind me.

The street was vacant, and only dimly lit. I grasped my phone in my hands tightly and increased my pace.

The footsteps only got louder and quicker as I did. I finally stepped out and turned around with my hands up to see who the fuck was following me.

I only saw a black figure coming my way, "What do you want?" I yelled at the person.

Finally when the person stepped into the light, I was able to identify it as a strange man, "Leave me alone!"

The man said nothing and only lunged forward to grab me. I kicked my foot up so it collided with his groin, and that only disoriented him for a few seconds.

I didn't get really far before he grabbed me from behind, and dragged me into a dark alleyway. I screamed so loudly I almost deafened myself.

I struggled out of his grasp so I could stab him in the eyes with my thumbs.

I was barely breathing, but somehow I was able to gather enough energy to run out of the alleyway as fast as I could.

I began to cry from fear. I hate crying so this was kind of a big deal for me, but I was lucky that I got away.

I made it back out to the street and instantly collided with another figure. I screamed "No!" As soon as the person wrapped its arms around me.

"Rebecca, hey! Rebecca, it's me Luke! Calm down!" He held me tightly. I sniffed and tried to regulate my breathing, "Get me out of here." I cried.

"What happened?" He asked me trying to keep me calm. "Just get me out of here, now!" I yelled and tugged on him to start fast-walking away from the scene.

"Did someone hurt you?!" He raised his voice, and pulled me back to him.

"Please. I just want to get out of here." I whimpered.

He looked down at me and his face softened. For the first time I didn't see resentment in his eyes. They weren't icy and cold looking like before, but they were a baby blue color; it was much more nice to look at.

"Come on." He said under his breath and walked me back to campus. I can safely say, this was the only one on one time I've had with Luke where I didn't want to bash his face in.


I stepped inside my empty dorm room and turned back to look at him, "Thanks." I said.

He nodded, "Glad I could help."

"Do you want to come in?" Did I just fucking ask that?

He smirked, "Thought you'd never ask, freshman." He said and slipped past me and walked inside my dorm.

He instantly made himself comfortable on the bed closest to the door (which just so happened to be mine).

"So, are you going to describe the prick so I can go commit a murder?"

I shook my head and sat down on the edge of the bed, "It was my fault. I shouldn't have been walking alone this late. I was sort of asking f-" I spoke but he interrupted me.

"Don't you ever fucking say that. It wasn't your fault."

I just shrugged in response and placed with a loose thread on my comforter.

"How was my boy, Ash?" He asked after a few agonizingly awkward seconds of silence.

I shot my head up to look at him, "What do you mean?" I rose an eyebrow.

"You know what I mean, freshman."

"Well, for starters...great kisser. Always a plus. And apparently I'm 'off limits.'" I added air quotes for emphasis.

He leaned forward and locked his eyes with mine, "And why would that be?"

I just stared right back at him, "You tell me, Hemmings."

His expression was blank for a little bit before the corner of his mouth pulled into a smirk. His tongue poked out to run along his bottom lip. It made contact with the black lip ring that hugged his lip, and he bit down on the area.

Not going to lie, I was attracted to him.

In a hatful sort of way.

"Maybe I want you all to myself." He suggested.

"Don't you hate me?" I asked and tilted my head to the side.

He pushed himself off the bed and stood up; towering over me as I sat on the edge just looking up at him.

"Not necessarily."


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