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Running my hair through the straightener half asleep probably wasn't my wisest decision, but I somehow managed to not burn all of my hair off.

Finishing the last touches of my appearance, I grabbed my suitcase and other belongings that I needed for the next week.

Olivia was obviously super annoyed with me getting up at 5 in the morning to get ready to drive down to New Jersey, but I knew she would miss me. I leaned over her sleeping body to whisper down at her.

"Merry Christmas Eve."

She whimpered in response and lifted up her arms to hug me. The sudden weight she was putting around my neck was unexpected, and I tumbled over and fell on top of her. I grunted as soon as my body came into sudden, graceful contact with hers, "Ow."

"I'll see you in two weeks, Beck." She mumbled into my hair before letting me up. I smiled and stood up straight, "Bye, Liv."

I grabbed my things again and left the room to leave her to her sleep. The hallway was empty, dark from the lack of light, and totally silent. It was extremely creepy, but sort of relaxing.

Also, I'm a huge fan of not running into people that will try to talk to me.

I rolled my suitcase down the hallway, and pushed through the door. Instantly feeling the coldness from the early morning air, I shivered. I pulled out my keys from my jacket pocket and walked over to where my car was parked.

I was fumbling around with my car keys, trying to get a hold of the right one when a low voice startled me, "Good morning, sunshine."

I snapped my head up to meet with the eyes of Luke. I was relieved that it was just him and not some strange man lurking around and that he was already down here. I really wasn't looking forward to waiting around for him to get down here.

He was leaning up against the passenger's side of my car with his bag sitting next to his foot. His arms crossed over his chest as he watched me.

I smiled instinctively, "I'm surprised you're up on time." I spoke while walking to the trunk of my car.

"Maybe I never went to sleep."

I glanced over at him briefly and decided to go all 'mom' on him, "THAT IS UNHEALTHY! A boy your age needs about 8-10 hours of sleep a night. Do you care at all about your wellbeing?!" I jokingly scolded while opening up the trunk.

He walked over to me, who was struggling to put my suitcase into the trunk, and grabbed my suitcase and effortlessly tossed it in. He did the same with his own and shut the trunk, giving the top of it a few pats with his hand, "Sleep is for the weak."

"Sleep deprivation will drive you crazy." I warned him. He stepped closer to me until I could feel his breath on my face. His hands placed themselves on either side of my hips as his head leaned closer.

He just doesn't give up. Who's complaining, though? Me actually.

"You drive me crazy." He whispered down at me. His lips were dangerously close to my own. Man, did I want to kiss him. The funny part is: he knows what he does to me too. Ever since I admitted that I've fallen for him, he has this power over me. Like he has total control. Part of me liked it, but part of me didn't.

"Let's hit the road, chum." I pushed him off me so I could snake my way out. Hearing his dissatisfied groan, I unlocked the driver's seat and got inside the car.

Dying for warmth, I started up the car and blasted the heat. The passenger's door opened shortly after, and I was blessed with the presence of Luke once again.

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