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I flipped over in my own bed trying to ignore the loud banging coming from the other side of my dorm room door. I grabbed my pillow and pressed it over my head with desperate endeavors to fall back asleep.

"Open up, freshman! I know you're in there!"

I groaned once I realized who it was. As if it could have been anyone else, Luke was the only person here at school over the holiday... that I knew of.

The banging ceased to stop, so the best option for me right now was to get up and maybe get a punch in for waking me up so early.

The real question is: nuts or face?

I angrily kicked my covers off my body and threw the pillow from on top of my face. I swung my bare legs over the edge of the mattress and stomped over to the door.

Opening it up, I was instantly met with the guy that I "hated" but what happened last night says otherwise.

"What the fuck do you want this early?" I spat in monotone. I'm pretty sure it's 8 am, and I'm not happy being woken up any time before 10.

He brushed past me and entered my dorm room without saying anything. I shut the door once he was inside and turned to face him.

I noticed the bags underneath his blue eyes; the short, blonde scruff on his chin, jawline, and upper lip; and that his hair wasn't in its usual quiff.

He still looked really good at 8 in the morning. Unlike myself who probably looks like a shaved goat.

"You didn't stay last night." He pointed out with a hint of disappointment in his deep voice.

I shrugged, "Didn't think you wanted me to." I sat down on my bed and climbed back into the comfortable spot that I was previously in.

"I'm not opposed to the idea of waking up next to you," he joined me in bed. His hand landed straight onto my exposed thigh.

I began to tense up from the sudden contact this early in the morning. I was still recovering from the aftershocks of last night.

"Or morning blowjobs." He added on. I couldn't help but to rolled my eyes at his comment. I scoffed and tried to get up to avoid anymore physical contact with him.

He instantly picked up on the vibe I was giving off and grabbed my hand pulling me back to him, "Hey, I'm kidding!"

I landed back beside him with my body pivoted to face his. His teeth tugged on his bottom lip as his eyed me up and down, "I really enjoyed last night."

"Good because it's never going to happen again." I said before smiling sweetly at him and getting up once again. This time he didn't grab me to yank me back.

"Aw why?"

"It shouldn't have happened."

"I disagree."

I tilted my head to look at him smirking face, "Don't you think it was weird?" I asked.

In the moment, no.

In the moment I thought it was best thing that ever happened to me. Afterwards, I just confused the hell out of myself.

"No, I thought it was fucking great." He tossed his head back for emphasis.

I blushed out of habit, "It was weird." I concluded.

He rested his head against my pillow and looked over at me. A smirk plaster on his face with risen eyebrows, "Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that because you liked it. You liked it way more than you wanted to."

I glared at him, "What? No, shut up."

He got up from the bed and made his way towards me. I stepped back as he stepped forward. My heart was thumping so loud inside my chest as he got closer.

"In fact, I don't think you just liked it. You loved it, didn't you?" He continued.

I shook my head trying to convince him otherwise, "It was a mistake." I somehow managed to choke out. He used his teeth and tongue to play with the black metal hugging his bottom lip, "Lying is a sin, freshman."

"I'm not lying. Last night should never have happened!"

He towered over me once I stopped stepping back because my back met the wall. He grabbed my hands and laced our fingers together before pinning them up against the wall on either side of my head.

"You keep telling yourself that, babe."

He let me go and removed himself from my body. He turned around showing me his back as he walked towards the door.

"Oh, and be ready to go at 6. I'm taking you out." He informed me.

The only word I could think of was: f u c k.

srry it's short af but i might update later on tonight to make up for it; love yous

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