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Operation distancing myself from Luke was a full two weeks strong. Yes, two weeks. How did I managed to stay away from Luke that long? It was simple, really. You just don't leave your dorm unless it was absolutely necessary. Of course I went to my classes, but I skipped math each time. Probably not the smartest idea, but I'll somehow make it up.

Bryana texted me about a week ago to keep me up to date on the whole Ashton situation. Apparently she's been trying harder to talk to him, but he was still being super salty about it. She hasn't texted me yet, but I'm hoping for the best. I'm not too worried because it should talk Ashton a while to muster up the bail money, even with illegal deals.

I was currently walking back to my dorm when I saw a note taped to my door. I grabbed it and entered my room while reading it:

Since you won't return any of my calls or texts, I have resorted to drastic measures. Hence me actually writing this letter and walking my ass down to your dorm and taping this on your door.
I have to see you. Meet me at the lake tonight by midnight. Hope to see you.

I struggled to read his horrible penmanship, but I eventually got through it. This kid had doctor's handwriting, I swear.

"Are you going to go?" A voice questioned as I entered the room. I looked up from the notepaper and found Olivia sitting on her bed with a book open.

"Did you read my note?" I asked kind of dumbly. It was sort of a stupid question because why else would she be asking me if I were going or not.

"Yeah." She replied simply. At least she didn't deny it.

I dropped my bag onto the floor and kicked off my shoes, "I don't know." I answered honestly. I don't think I can keep this going with Luke if he's never going to be willing to commit. I feel like it would be wasting my time to keep doing what we're doing.

I want a damn relationship with Luke. Never thought I would say it, but I did. I want to be able to call him all mine.

Boyfriend Luke. Has a nice ring to it. If he ever gave me the chance to call him that.

"What even happened between you guys? I thought you were okay. Hell, I thought you were great." Olivia wondered and closed her book. She patted down the space on her bed beside her as she asked. I walked over to her and sat down with my back against her pillows.

I sighed, "The thing is, I knew he isn't the dating type. Yet, I still let myself fall for him. Now here I am, wanting a fucking relationship with a guy who just wants to be fuck buddies." I explained. Olivia rested her head on top of mine in a friendly way for support.

"I think he's scared." She commented.

"He has nothing to be scared of. I would make a kickass girlfriend!" I complained. That earned me a few laughs from Olivia.

"You should be telling him that. Go meet him tonight and talk this out, Rebecca. That's an order." She demanded. I couldn't help but to smile. Where would I be without Olivia's hardass relationship advice? Nowhere, that's for damn sure.

I glanced over at the clock which read 4:39 pm. I picked myself up from Olivia's bed with a loud grunt, "I'm taking a nap." I announced before swan diving into my bed.

"Goodnight, sunshine."


It was midnight black outside when I drove to meet Luke at the lake he took me to the day we first hung out as 'friends.' I just hoped I could remember the route he took to get out here.

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