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hopefully this clears things up...welcome to luke's head

| Luke |

*one week ago*

"Could you be more stupid?" Ashton asked me as we waited in our warehouse a few states over from campus.

I left there suddenly and without a word. If I told Calum or even Michael that I had to skip town for a couple of weeks, there would be so many questions to answer, and I didn't really feel like lying.

It was getting harder and harder to keep this up, though because on average I'd get about four calls and six texts, all from Rebecca.

I know she isn't stupid, and she probably suspects something is up, but again I can't get her involved in my shit.

"What the fuck did I do?" I asked in confusion to Ashton's previous question. He grabbed me by shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes, "You don't even know what you did, do you?"

I shrugged in response, "I think I was maybe a $100 short last deal? I don't know what else I could have done." I kicked the floor with my foot absentmindedly.

"You really need to get your head out of your ass. Charlie doesn't fuck around. If anyone outside of the circle knows what we do, they're taken out." Ashton warned me.

I nodded in slight annoyance, "I know the damn rules; I'm no amateur."

"Well you're fucking acting like one."

"I'm sure Charlie wouldn't give a rat's ass about $100."

"No, I mean-" he leaned in closer to me to whisper something. "You have two strikes with him right now. Hell, you fucking brought Rebecca to a deal a few weeks back."

"Rebecca has nothing to do with this." I quickly interjected.

"Man, you know Charlie always has a lookout whenever we deal. He knows she was there and saw some shit, which makes her a witness. Like it or not, she's involved." He explained to me.

I clenched my jaw in anger. My hands were balled up tightly in fists. I could feel my knuckles start to turn white.

Damn, did I fuck up badly.

"Ladies! Glad you could make it." An all too familiar voice echoed from behind us. Ashton stepped back from me, and we turned around.

"Hey, boss." Ashton greeted. I kept quiet knowing all too well Charlie wasn't happy with me right now.

"I'm assuming you two know why I called you down here, correct?" Charlie questioned more towards me. I stood up straighter and crossed my arms over my chest.

"We have a witness." I replied in monotone.

"Yes, a...girl? Rebecca Winters. Freshman at Rockwell University. Stop me if I'm wrong, but she's with you," he looked right at me again, "Correct?"

I nodded, "She's not a threat, boss." I told him.

He brought a hand up to his mouth to hide an incoming smirk, "Luke, you're one of my best dealers. Boys like you, don't fuck up like this. You know I can't have young college girls knowing what we do."

I stepped closer with a pleading look, "I promise, she won't be a problem. She never brought it up once." I confirmed.

He eyed me up and down, "I'll make sure of that."

"Don't hurt her. Please, she's innocent."

He chuckled and held up his hands defensively, "Who said anything about that, Luke? I'm just talking about a small confrontation."

Damn liar.

"That's not necessary. Really. I'll stay away from her. I'll do it. Just please leave her out of it." I practically begged.

"It's not that easy."


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