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ik the pic isn't punk but we can still admire luke's tattoo-less beauty (the cleAVAGE bTW)

I was having one of the best slumbers of my life when it was rudely interrupted by loud banging on my door. Oh, this is far too familiar.

"I'm coming in, you better be awake!" I heard Luke shout from the other side of the door. I snickered in my half asleep trance. He couldn't get in even if he tried. I snuggled back into my pillow and attempted at falling back asleep. Soon enough, the door opened.

I didn't even bother opening my eyes, or rolling over for the matter, because knowing Luke he'd just join me in bed.

And sure enough, that's exactly what he did.

The space in my bed beside me sunk in as he maneuvered his way into it. He wrapped his arm around my body and pulled me close. He dipped down and left a soft kiss on the skin behind my earlobe.

"How'd you get in here?" I questioned in a incredibly tired voice.

"Olivia's key. She and Calum decided to take over my room this morning." He explained.

I hummed and repositioned my head further into the pillow, "I'm glad you're here." I mumbled and found his hand resting in front of me. He moved my hand so his could intertwine our fingers over my knuckles, "Me too, freshman."

I tried to fall back asleep and resume the wonderful sleep I was having, but I couldn't. I was too awake now. I picked my head up, fluttering my eyes open, "Dammit, you woke me up for good." I complained.

He chuckled and beckoned me to turn around to lay facing him, "Doesn't mean you have to get up." He pointed out.

I smiled and rolled over to cuddle into him. Upon sitting up, I was met with the sudden soreness in my lower region. Definitely due from the previous day's 'activities.'

"You fucked me up pretty bad yesterday, Hemmings." I joked.

"You sore?"



I playfully punched his chest making him chuckle. He moved over to lay on his back, and I repositioned to rest my head on his chest. "Sorry." He gave in and apologized.

"Don't be. It reminded me of Christian Grey but less fucked up. It was great." I placed my hand on his clothed stomach.

"Oh hell no. That movie scarred me for life." He rose his voice a little.

"You saw Fifty Shades of Grey?!" I shot my head up to look at him in total disbelief. I don't know if I should laugh or be concerned.

"For a dare. Plus, I didn't mind seeing the countless amount of titty scenes." He commented. And there's your fuckboy Luke comment of the day.

"Honestly, I liked it." I laid back down. He brought his hand up to comb his long fingers in my hair. "You did?" He asked.

"Don't get any ideas."

Suddenly his phone beeped signaling he got a text. I couldn't help but to look because my nosey instincts kicked in.

He grabbed his phone and that's when I noticed his background on his phone. It was a blonde guy that looked just like him, "Is that your brother?" I wondered.

Confused, he looked at his phone and then realized I was talking about his background picture, "Yeah, that's Jack."

"He's hot as fuck."

"Excuse me?"

"I said he's-"

"I know what you said."

"He looks like you, who's older?" I asked quickly trying to cover up the fact that I just called his brother hot.


"He is. I also have another named Ben, but I'm not showing you a picture because you'll probably call him hot too. I'm the youngest." He replied.

"Aw! You're the baby!" I tried to pinch his cheeks, but he moved his head out of the way. "Your parents must be pretty good looking if they can make three of you."

"But I'm the hottest though, right?" He asked for reassurance. I leaned in and kissed his lips briefly, "Of course you are."

He smiled and pulled me closer to kiss me again. This time it was longer and more intimate.

Finally, he pulled away first, "I thought about the whole 'Ashton intervention' thing."


"I want to do it."

"Great! When I can I talk to his girlfriend?" I asked. I was so happy he decided to do it. This makes life a whole lot easier when he and I are on the same page with everything.

"I'll call her and hopefully set it up for tomorrow?" He rose his eyebrow. I nodded, "Sounds good. What's her name, so I don't sound like a total idiot." 


"Oh, cool. Okay one more thing." I said.


I grabbed my phone, "Can I have Jack's number?"

shoooooort as hell but i needed to update tonight bc idk if i'll have time to tomorrow. hope yall liked it :)))

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