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been having some cold weather aesthetics lately

It was insanely hard to force myself out of the house to go to the carnival Mere was talking about yesterday. I really didn't feel like watching her hit on Luke the whole time, and honestly Netflix sounded so good right now. But no, here I am: at this people infested carnival.

I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Luke followed my actions and we met around the hood of the car.

"Do you know where Meredith said to meet her?" Luke asked. I shrugged, "I don't know." I said in monotone. He gave me a strange look, but didn't say anything. Good because if he did, I probably would have snapped and I don't want to yell at him this early in the night.

We payed for our admission and had bracelets put around our wrists that allowed us to go on an unlimited amount of rides. Okay, I may be a little stoked for that part. Being a major bitch comes naturally to me, but I don't want to be one tonight.

I probably shouldn't be one of the those friends people hate to go out with because they're just grouchy the whole time.

I'm fun! I am a joy to be around! I shall be nice and pleasant for the rest of this outing.

Oh shit, this will be a challenge.

"Rebecca! Luke!" I snapped my head to follow in the direction of the voice calling out our names. I smiled once I saw Mere waving at us. I poked Luke and got his attention so we could both make our way over to her together.

"Hey!" I greeted her with a hug. I pulled away and watched as she walked over to give Luke a hug. It made me feel slightly jealous, but I'll get over it.

Maybe, not really.

"So what ride are you ladies thinking we check out first?" Luke wondered. I took a look around to see what was here. I took mental notes on what I wanted to go on and the ferris wheel was definitely one of them.

"The biggest roller coaster here!" Mere exclaimed. I turned to her with a face full of disbelief, "You hate roller coasters." I reminded her. She shook her head, "Not when we have a man to keep us safe right, Luke?"

He looked down at her and smirked, "Right."

Ignoring literally everything happening right before my very eyes, I spoke up, "Then let's go!"

On the way, I walked slightly ahead of the two of them. They were talking about something that I had no clue about so it wasn't like I could join in. If they were intentionally trying to get me into a shit mood, it was working.

We made it to the entrance of the roller coaster and there wasn't that many people waiting to go on. We got almost to the front, and that's when I noticed that it was only two people per cart. I turned to Mere, "Want to sit together?"

"Um, actually Luke was going to sit next to me. You don't mind sitting alone do you? It's just that I'm kind of scared." She explained.

Could she seriously be more cliché?

I flickered my eyes up at Luke's for a brief second before nodding my head, "No it's fine. I understand." I replied and turned back around. Once it was our turn to get on, Luke and Mere got into the front two seats, and I sat alone behind them.

I was so being third wheeled. Why is it always me?! The funny part is: I came with Luke. Luke is my date. Wait, did I just say date? This isn't a date. I think.

No, it's not.

Once the cart got moving, I tried to look anywhere but in front of me.

It was no use when I noticed them holding hands. Okay, now I'm going to kick some ass. I chewed on the inside of my mouth out of pure annoyance. I knew I shouldn't have come tonight.

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