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what the fuck cece

Luke turned his car onto a dark side street about an half an hour outside of town. We were on our way to Ashton's girlfriend Bryana's house so I could talk to her about the 'drug squad in jail' situation. Once Luke pulled into Bryana's driveway, he started to get out. I stopped him, "No, you have to wait here."


"It would just be better if it were just me." I tried putting it as nicely as I could. No offense to Luke, but he's super intimidating and would probably ruin the 'safety' of this conversation. Meaning that because he's a dealer, it would make the situation more awkward. Plus, I can relate to how Bryana probably feels about Ashton in this predicament because I'm going through the same thing with Luke.

"What am I supposed to do while you're in there?" He asked with a hint of annoyance. I smiled and shrugged, "You'll find something. I'll be out soon." I assured him while unbuckling my seat belt. I listened to his whiny groan and watched him toss his head back into the car seat behind him, "Fine."

I exited the car and walked around the hood of it to get to Bryana's front door. Okay, don't make a long night of it, Rebecca. Address the issue, and then bounce.

In and out.

I inhaled nervously before knocking a few times. The wait for the door to open was short, and I was met with a very pretty, tallish, blonde girl. She smiled hugely at me, "You must be Rebecca. I'm Bryana." She greeted me before stepping to the side to welcome me into her house.

"Thanks for agreeing to this, Bryana." I started off with that. I looked around as I heard the sound of the door closing. "Trust me, I want the same thing you do. You don't have to thank me for anything." She walked past me to guide me to her couch. She sat down and I followed, "So how long have you and Ashton been dating?" I asked.

"Since the end of November." She replied simply. Instinctively, my eyes widened. I would have expected them to be dating longer. However, I'm glad because I kissed Ashton at the Halloween party months ago. That would have been super awkward if he were dating Bryana back then. Like, sorry I kissed your man, and that I smoked weed with him. My bad.

"So about a month and a half?" I clarified. She nodded and crossed her right leg over the other, "I know it isn't long at all, but when it's real, it's real." She ogled over him. I smiled, slightly uncomfortable. I know I brought it up first, but that was just the ice breaker. It's not the reason I'm here.

"I get that." Was all I could think of to say. Although, I really don't. The difference is: Bryana was actually dating Ashton, and I wasn't dating Luke. We probably had the most confusing thing on the planet. I don't even know what to call us.

"So, I think the best way to approach this problem is to be totally blunt. Luke is afraid that Ashton is going to do some illegal stuff to get his drug lord, Charlie, out of jail. I think the only person Ashton will listen to is you." I blurted without giving poor Bryana a warning.

I just watched as her smile fell and her eyelids blinked a few times. Finally she responded, "I agree, but whenever I try to talk to him about it, he shuts me out." She explained.


"Luke did that with me too, but you can't let it go. Keep asking. Keep bringing it up. Be so annoying that he will eventually talk to you about it." I told her. She nodded and looked down at the floor, "What if he doesn't listen to me?" She questioned quietly. I gave her a sympathetic look, "He cares about you, so he will. I promise."

Her eyes flickered up to meet mine, "Sorry if this sounds rude, but, how are you involved in all of this?" She wondered.

I sighed, "Luke took me to a deal and Charlie found out so now he could potentially kill me. That's why I need him to stay in jail." I told her. I tried to sound assertive, but I couldn't. I felt like if a used a too serious tone, Bryana would start crying. The last thing I want to do is watch her cry.

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