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guys can we just talk about badlands if u listen to halsey bc DAMN B

Valentine's Day.

The one day I used to hate the most. I hated it because I was always alone and insanely bitter about it.

Now for once, I have a boyfriend on Valentine's Day! For some reason I'd always be single or just a few weeks shy of a breakup whenever the day rolled around, but thankfully not this year.

The bad thing about having a valentine this year was due to the fact I was so inexperienced, I had no idea what to do or get for Luke. The only thing that I could think of was sex because that's usually what every guy typically wants.

The day started out sweet. I found a bouquet of flowers in front of my dorm door when I came home from class this afternoon with a note attached to it reading:

Happy Valentine's Day, freshman.
I love you.

It was short and simple, and that's all I needed. I put the flowers into a vase with some water (which made Olivia jealous because Calum only got her a single rose and a card from Walmart). But hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

Hoping Luke would be in his dorm and knowing that Calum was out with Olivia, I headed towards his room. I knocked a few times and waited for Luke to answer. I stood there with no reply for a solid twenty seconds. I knocked again, and still got no answer.

Either he's sleeping or he's out. I'm really hoping it was the first guess.

I reached for the doorknob and twisted it to find that it was unlocked. Okay, he's definitely here. I opened the door and entered the room, "Luke?" I called out. I shut the door and walked into the main room.

It was totally empty. I frowned at the realization that he was actually out, and I had to wait for him.

I know it sounds creepy, but we've gotten past the whole 'I'm in your room waiting for you' phase and it's just expected of me now. Not like Luke cared anyways, I always have him what he wanted in the end.

Wink wink.

I walked over to his bed to sit down, but in the process my hip knocked over some papers that were lying on his night table. I sighed in annoyance and leaned down to pick them up. I reached for them and one in particular caught my eye.

Now, I didn't mean to snoop and read the paper, it just sort of happened. And boy did I wish I hadn't.

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces once I read the first few words on the paper with Luke's signature accompanying it.

Before I could read anymore, I heard the door open. I jumped and placed the papers back on his table and turned around to see Luke. He had a black hoodie on with the hood up. His cheeks were slightly flushed from the cold air outside. The longer I stared at him, the sadder and angrier I got.

"Oh, hey, babe." He greeted me upon realizing I was here.

"When were you going to tell me?!" I cut right to the chase. I was a few minutes away from crying. How could he not tell me? This changes everything now! I don't know if I should hug him and never let go or punch him so hard in the face he's knocked out for days.

He flipped off his hood and gave me a confused look, "Tell you what?" He asked. I stood up and grabbed the paper I had just read. He walked over to me and I shoved the paper in his face without a word.

He took it in his hands and it only took him a few seconds to realize what I was talking about. He looked up and his eyes found mine, "I was going to tell you soon, I swear."

"Is this why you took the drug test?"

"Yes, I can't exactly join the military if I'm on drugs." He tried to make light of the situation.

"When do you leave?" I questioned.

"Right after graduation."

"For how long?"

"Minimum of five years."

"Oh my god." I let my head fall into my hands. This couldn't be happening. Things were going so well between us, how could he want to leave? Was it fate trying to tell me that we weren't right for each other?

Placing the paper on his bed, he stepped closer while taking my hands in his, "I didn't want to spend our last months together like this: you knowing." He told me.

"It beats finding out last minute!" I shouted. I couldn't control myself, I was confused, angry, upset; every bad emotion in the book. I was so bombarded with this that I didn't even know how to take it. In only three short months, I'll be saying goodbye to Luke for at least five years. God forbid more.

"I'm sorry, Rebecca. I just- I needed to do something right in my life. At least once."

I looked up at him with tears threatening to come up, "You are doing good things, Luke. You left Charlie, you're graduating college...you're with me." My voice cracked from trying to hold in the tears.

His grip on my hands tightened as I tried to wiggle out it it, "I need to do this for me, Rebecca. I know it's not going to be easy, but I hope you can understand."

"I don't understand," I gave in and let a tear escape. He quickly reached up and wiped the tear from underneath my eye with his thumb. "But I'm going to have to eventually." I finished.

He pulled me into a rib crushing hug. I hesitantly hugged him back and just sobbed. His large hands rubbed my back soothingly as I soaked his hoodie. I can only pray that I didn't have raccoon eyes from my mascara running.

He pulled back and wiped underneath my eyes again, "I can't expect you to wait for me." He whispered. I shook my head, "Sh, I don't want to talk about it. We still have three months left."

"I'll make sure they're the best three months of your life." He assured me.

so there's that, can u guess what the plot line for the sequel is? xP

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