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"How the hell can you be on team Damon when Stefan is where it's at?" Olivia basically screamed at me upon entering the local farmer's market. Don't ask why we're here, Olivia wanted nectarines because she's a huge dork who loves fruits.

I looked at her in disagreement, "Not that I don't love both Salvatore brothers, but Damon is the one I'd fuck if I had to choose." I replied while following her through the small aisle where the fruits were.

She just gave me a disapproving look, "I think I just figured out why you're into Luke. You like assholes who have tons of sex!" She concluded while grabbing a plastic bag.

I almost choked on the breath I was currently drawing in, "Wow, I really wish you would have said that louder, Liv." I commented sarcastically.

She snapped the bag in the air to open it up and grabbed a few of the peach-like fruits, "It's true." She mumbled under her breath. I ignored her comment and started to drift off to the other side of the aisle where the vegetables were.

"So how big is Luke's dick?"

I whipped my head around in total shock of what she had just said out loud.


"What? No one's around and I'm curious! You never answer my questions!"

"Because they are vulgar and just downright inappropriate." I retorted.

She just stared at me in hopes that I would give her at least an estimated size. Giving in because her stare-downs never ceased to fail, I searched for an object that was fairly close to Luke's size.

I can't believe I'm fucking doing this.

I grabbed a cucumber and held it up and made eye contact with Olivia.

No words were needed.

"Holy- you're so full of shit." She called me bluff. I placed the cucumber back down in its previous resting spot and snickered, "Wish I were."

"How are you still alive?!"

"For Christ's sake, Liv please."

She held up her hands in defense and tied a knot in her plastic bag full of nectarines, "Alright, alright. I got my answer so I'll shut up about it now."

I sighed in relief and turned around to head to the cash register, "Thank you."

"But seriously, though. Were you sore aft-"

I groaned loudly and stomped off to avoid her nosey incoming questions about Luke and mine's sex life. When turning the corner, all I could hear was the sound of her giggles.

We eventually made it to the thing I actually came for: the mall. I've always been a slut for clothes shopping. Or, any shopping for that matter. I just love getting new things. Especially makeup, I could spend my whole life's savings on that shit and not want to cry about being broke after.

We walked through a few stores; buying things here and there, but when we finally got to Victoria's Secret, that's when the real spending happened.

I lost Olivia once she found out there was a sale on bras, but I was more concerned with this bra and underwear set I found. I quickly snapped a picture and sent it to Luke:


me like

I smiled at his response and tried to put my phone in my pocket, but it beeped again:

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