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actually super annoyed w pretty little liars tbh

The bright light streaming inside my window was almost impossible to ignore. I snuggled my head into Luke's chest, trying to fall back asleep; even  two more minutes should suffice. I tried falling back asleep, but it was no use. I was already wide awake now.

Luke's arms were wrapped tightly around my body, making it hard to move around. As I stirred, I heard his low morning voice making his chest vibrate, "Stop squirming."

"I'm trying to get up." I giggled. He whined and pulled me closer, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I felt him breathe in and out onto my skin followed by some quiet snores. I pivoted my head to look down at the back of his head. His hair was messy, but he somehow always looked good with really bad bed head.

Without thinking, I brought my hand up to his hair and ran my fingers through it. After a few seconds of combing my fingers through, I stopped once I realized what I was doing and it was kind of weird. He picked his head up and gave me a goofy, sleepy look, "Why'd you stop? That felt nice."

I gave a small smile and starting doing it again, but he didn't lay his head back down. He just kept watching me. I started to feel a little strange and insecure because he was just staring at me.

"What?" I finally asked.

"Nothing. You're just...beautiful." He pushed a strand of tangled hair behind my ear and then let the pad of his fingers dance along my jawline. His gentle touch sent shivers down my spine and my heart began to race.

Boy if you don't stop that, I'll drop dead in about 2.7 seconds.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked while removing his hand from my face. I shook my head and looked away from him, "Nothing." I lied.

"Liar. Tell me." He encouraged.

"I don't know, I guess I'm thinking about how we used to hate each other. If I were me three months ago, I would be thinking of kicking you in the nuts rather than kissing you." I blurted.

Shit. Did I just openly admit that I wanted to kiss him?

"You're thinking of kissing me?" He asked. Of course that would be the only thing that registered in his thick skull. I quickly shook my head, "No." I tried to deny it.

He scooted closer and shot me a goofy grin, "No, no. I heard you say it." He teased. I felt myself start to blush, and I quickly looked away from him to avoid his stupid smirk. I removed myself from his grasp and stood up, "Let's go make breakfast." I spoke and headed towards the bedroom door.

"Freshman!" He called out to me.

I tired around preparing myself for any stupid comment he had to say, "What?"

"Merry Christmas."

I smiled and watched him hop out of my bed and walk over to me, "Merry Christmas, Luke."

He followed me downstairs to my kitchen where we attempted at making pancakes. The thing is, we knew how to make them. Luke just didn't know how to not get the batter everywhere. We spent more time cleaning up his messes than actually making the pancakes themselves.

Tossing the dirty dishes into the sink to be dealt with later, Luke and I sat down across from each other at the dining table. I poured us both some coffee, and as I was sipping mine, he casually slid a small, black box over the table.

It was stopped right next to my plate. I moved my coffee cup from my lips and rose an eyebrow at him. After swallowing what I had in my mouth I asked, "What's that?"

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