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fUCk hem hem that's some good shet✔️💯🔥

I woke up the next morning with my head trying to split into two and the top half of my body hanging over the edge of the bed. Letting out an aspirated groan, I picked myself up and turned over to sit on my butt. I ran my hands through my knotted locks and held my head in my palms.

Jesus, what the hell happened last night?

"Good morning, gorgeous! I bet you feel like a million bucks!" Luke's voice sounded from the other side of the room. I lifted my heavy head to see him standing in the doorway with a glass of water and a pill bottle in both hands.

"I feel like a one dollar stripper." I whined and rubbed my eyes. I felt the space beside me on the mattress dip in as Luke's knee made contact with it, "Here," he handed me two pills. I took them from him and popped the pills into my mouth. While doing so, he reached over for the water he had previously placed on the night table next to the bed.

I took the glass from him, taking a sip as he maneuvered himself so he was laying beside me. He held out his hand for the glass once I was done, and I handed it to him. I buried my face into his side to avoid the harsh light from the window as he sat the glass back down on the night table. I was in the middle of making dying whale noises from the pain in my head when Luke interrupted me.

"You know, silence is best for a hangover. And a greasy breakfast." He commented.

I moved my head from his side and collided with the pillows, "I will throw up on you, don't test me." I mumbled into the pillows.

Hearing Luke laugh was probably the only non-annoying sound this morning. I felt his hand rub circles into my back as I laid there motionless.

Suddenly I remembered something, "Shit." I shot up causing Luke to jump slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Where's my bag?" I questioned looking around the room frantically.

"You didn't have one with you." He told me.

"Fuck me." I face palmed. How could I forget to bring a bag when it was my time of the month?! What's wrong with me? Don't answer that...

"I'd love to!" Luke chimed with a huge grin.

"Well you can't, and I have to go home right now."

"Ouch, how come?" He asked fake hurt.

"I just need to." I replied simply. I really didn't feel like going into full detail about how my vagina was bleeding and could potentially end up everywhere if we didn't get the fuck out of here pretty soon.



Luke's face was priceless. He was so scared, I kind of felt bad for freaking out on him. I'll apologize later.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Let's go." Was all he said before getting up.

We left the frat house, and I secretly never wanted to see it again. I felt like such ass because of last night. I must have been completely shitfaced because I don't remember a thing.

On the short ride back to campus, Luke hadn't said a word. Must have been the period talk. I don't know why boys get so freaked out by it. Sorry it's a cycle I was born to have so I could have your babies. I didn't ask for it!

Or maybe he was afraid to say something because of how I yelled at him. Assuming that was the reason for his silence, I decided to apologize.

"Sorry for snapping on you." I looked over at him. He glanced over at him like I had just tore him out of a trance he was in.

He cleared his throat before replying, "It's okay. I just feel bad that you got hit with the double whammy. Hungover and on your period. Doesn't sound fun."

"It's not, but I'll live. I'm also pretty surprised you're able to say the word 'period' without getting weirded out." I giggled.

"I can also say the word 'tampon!'" He announced proudly.

My giggle intensified and turned into more of a cackle, "And I love you for it."

He reached over and placed his hand on my thigh, "I love you." He said back.

He dropped me off at my dorm, and I went straight to bed. I was tossing and turning for what only felt like a few minutes, but it was actually a few hours.

Finally, I got up hearing someone knocking. I picked myself up from the bed and walked to the door, tying my hair up into a bun. I grabbed the doorknob and twisted open to reveal Luke with one hand holding chocolates and the other holding a McDonald's bag.

I smiled at his sweet gestures, "Ignore my face. I probably look like hell." I told him as he walked inside.

"You look beautiful." He commented and went in to kiss me. I moved out of the way, and he gave me a confused look. "Let me go brush my teeth. Then we can make out as much as you want." I told him. He smiled and nodded.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and freshened up so I didn't look as rough as before. I brushed my teeth and returned to the main room to find him in my bed already eating his food. I hopped into bed with him and looked in the bag, "You're the best, you know?"

"I'm aware." He spoke before leaning in and kissing me. It was brief, but just enough. We pulled away and I grabbed my food and dug in.

We spent the whole rest of the day eating and watching stupid movies. Life was great, until this happened...

*cue london bridge by fergie* OH SHIT

idk how many more chaps this will have but im guessing maybe five AND THEN THE SEQUEL IM SO EXCITED

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