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hey, just a quick reminder: there are good people out there; people who care. i love you, guys💜

"I knew you wouldn't do it."

"Shut up, I never said that I wouldn't. I'm just thinking."

"Tick tock, freshman. I don't have all day."

I was currently standing in the middle of a building; surrounding by nervous energy and uncertainty.

I was potentially getting a piercing. Why? Because this douche canoe named Luke Hemmings told me I was too chicken shit to, and of course I had to prove him wrong.

I turned around on my heel to face him. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he towered over me. He rose an eyebrow at me questioningly. I couldn't help but to notice how attractive he was.

Not like this was the first time I've admired his beauty, but his smartass remarks and rude comments tend to distract me.

I guess you never really notice how hot someone is when you're too busy plotting their assassination.

"Why don't you get one?" I pointed out. It was kind of a stupid question considering he already had his lip pierced and gauges.

I rolled his eyes and uncrossed his arms to place them on either side of my shoulders. He spun me around and guided me to the front desk, "Hey, excuse me?"

The woman behind the counter looked up to see the two of us. I was slightly terrified for what was about to go down.

"She wants her nose pierced." He informed her and patted my shoulders and shook me a little bit.

I snapped my head up to give him a death glare, "Wait a second-"

"She's a little scared, but she definitely wants it. Go easy on her, she's sensitive." He added on.

"Luke, I'm not su-"

He started to guide me into the other room where the woman beckoned me to while he spoke, "I'll be waiting out here, sweetheart!" He teased before giving me one final push into the room.

I made awkward eye contact with the woman once she told me where to sit and await my painful doom.

I swear to god I will kill Luke Hemmings if it's the last thing I do.

I watched as the woman sterilized a huge needle, and that's when the real panic began to happen.

I usually don't get scared around needles, and I have some tattoos so I'm not totally new to this lifestyle. Although for some reason, this one terrified me.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked the typical pre piercing question.

She shrugged, "I would tell you 'no,' but I don't want to lie to you, hun." She laughed and turned to me with the gigantic needle on hand.

I mustered up all of the bravery I had in me because there is no way I can back out with Luke in the other room blocking the exit.

If I ran out like I scared little girl, I'd never hear the end of it.

Time to take it like a man.

"You ready, hun?" The woman asked me. I nodded hesitantly and grabbed both arms on the chair tightly.

She wiped some liquid on my nose to prepare it for the puncture, and catching me way off guard, I was stabbed in the nose with the needle.

"Holy fffffff-rick." I tried to save myself from the profanity I almost screamed.

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