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punk edits are my everything

Day one of classes for me was technically day two for others students considering I had a hangover from hell.

I had already sat through my English and French lectures and I was already tired. I still had Math and Psychology to endure.

Thankfully Michael was in my English class so it wasn't that boring.

Also, today was the day I started my new job at some convenient store a few blocks away from campus. It's only part-time, but it'll get my "bills" paid.

And by "bills," I mean cigarettes and gas money.

I walked into my math class and sat in a seat closest to the door. That way I was the first one out of this hell hole. I hated math, and math hated me. It was a mutual feeling altogether.

I sat in my seat for a few minutes waiting for the professor to show up. It wasn't long before some douche canoe decided that it would be funny to kick my bag over.

I watched as my cigarette box fell right out. I grunted, "Real mature." I spat before leaning out of my chair to sit my bag upright.

Once that was taken care of, I reached for my cigarettes. Another larger hand swiped the cigarette box up before I could, "Hey, unless you've got ten bucks, hand 'em over." I said while sitting back up straight. I looked up to see who was the moron who caused all of this.

It was that fucking blonde kid.

He laughed at me before opening up the box and taking a cigarette out, "You kinda owe me one, freshman." He spoke before shutting the cover and dropping it into my bag. Before I could tell him to fuck off, he walked away.

I just rolled my eyes, coming to the conclusion that it was probably in my best interest to not drop kick his ass out of here. So I just let it go.

The class all around wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. I could have done without the constant "deez nuts" jokes coming from the back of the room, but I somehow managed.


I walked out of the classroom to find Michael waiting out there for me. He smiled as soon as he saw me, "Hey, what's up?" I asked confused to why he was outside of my classroom.

"I'm taking you out to lunch, Reba." He said to me in a tone sounding like I was stupid. "Are we really going to go there with that nickname, Clifford?" I spoke in a fake annoyed tone.

"Ay, watch the 'tude. I'm trying to be generous here." He teasingly nudged me in the side with his elbow as we walked. I playfully rolled my eyes in response.

He's probably taking me to McDonald's knowing that famous 'college student budget.'


Finally classes were over, and I was about to embark on my first shift at the convenient store. Not going to lie, I was pretty stoked.

I'm such a loser.

Once the sun started to set, and I was preparing myself for all the whack jobs to come in after dark.

I was only about three hours into my five hour shift, and the place was totally dead. Nobody had walked in for a good twenty minutes. Not like I was complaining or anything.

I took advantage of the emptiness by opening up Netflix my phone and catching up on Supernatural.

I was so invested into this episode that I was watching, that I didn't even notice someone was waiting to be rung up. I put my phone to the side and apologized.

I looked up to see who it was, and I almost shit my pants. You've got to be kidding me.

"Hey, freshman." The notorious blonde boy smirked at me.

I narrowed my eyes down at him and almost said something questionably rude, but I controlled myself, "Will this be all?" I asked in monotone.

He drew in a breath and rested his right index finger on top of his bottom lip pretending to think, "Hm," he stood there for a few seconds.

It was almost like he wanted me to kick him in the nuts.

"I'll have a pack of Marlboro." He told me. I turned around and grabbed the pack of cigarettes, letting out an annoyed eye roll, and returning back to the counter.

"Anything else?" I asked him in the most polite voice I could muster up.

He took another ten years to answer.

"And some condoms. You pick." He smirked in amusement. I squinted my eyes almost shut at him, "You don't have a preference?" I wondered. He shook his head, "Which do you prefer?" He asked like an asshole while leaning his hands on the counter, getting closer to me.

I stepped back and reached up for a box of condoms. I tossed them at him and he smoothly caught them, "Comes out to $22.67." I informed him. He looked down at the box which had 'size extra small' spread across the front.

He snickered, "You're funny, freshman, I'll give you that." He threw the box onto the counter. I placed it in a bag for him as he counted his money, "You know, I have a name."

His intense, blue eyes flickered up to mine, "I know, Rebecca." He said confidently. I let my eyes open wide in shock. How the hell?

"Okay, like that wasn't creepy at all. How did you-" I started to ask once he handed me the money, but he interrupted me, "I have my ways, freshman." He chuckled slightly.

My mouth just hung open in astonishment. I didn't even know who this kid was, yet he knew me for some odd reason.

I was only at this school for what, two, maybe three days?

I put the money in the cash register skeptically, and handed him the bag, "So I don't get to know who you are?" I asked him.

His tongue glided along his bottom lip making contact with his black lip ring that I somehow didn't notice before, "You don't want to know."

"It won't be that hard to figure it out, blondie."

He ripped open the plastic cover on the cigarettes and watched me intensely with his eyes, "Luke." He told me in one small breath.

It suddenly clicked, "So you're the infamous Luke."


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