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ahhaha this week sucked so bad😅

"I'm going to throw up all over this room if you two don't stop sucking face." I finally exclaimed after watching Olivia and Calum make out for a good half an hour.

It made me feel so fucking single.

All I got was the middle finger in response from Olivia; she didn't even bother to stop kissing Calum to flip me off.

How rude.

I sighed and grabbed my cigarettes and lighter, "I'm out of here." I huffed and walked towards the door.

I quickly exited the soon to be 'sexy time' room and left the building go take a much needed walk.

It was sort of dark outside, but I didn't care. I always liked the nighttime.

Plus, I'm a black belt in karate so if anyone tries to fuck with me, I'll snap them like a twig.

Making my way down the dimly illuminated streets, I lit a cigarette and kept on walking to an unknown destination. God only knows how long I had until it was safe to report back to my room.

Suddenly as I was walking, a figure dressed in black turned out of a dark alleyway and ran straight into me backwards.

I grunted from the impact, "Okay ow." I replied. The figure turned around and inside the black hoodie was none other than-

"Are you fucking following me or some shit?" Luke asked me in a angry tone. I rolled my eyes, "No, princess. I'm taking a walk." I replied.

This bitch has some nerve.

"You shouldn't be walking alone out here." He told me.

"Okay, daddy." I spat before brushing past him to continue my walk.

"Watch your attitude, freshman." He warned me. I turned around to look back at him and raise an eyebrow questioningly, "What attitude?" I asked teasingly.

He just bit his lip and looked me up and down. I mentally prepared myself for anything that was about to go down. Hopefully I'll get to kick his ass like I've dreamt about.

"What are you doing out here anyways?" I questioned, switching the subject.

"None of your damn business." He spat. I couldn't help but to smile at his defensiveness, "You know, I've heard about you, Luke. I hope you're not doing anything a bad boy would do." I stepped closer.

He looked down at me, considering he towered over me. I was a whopping 5'3'' and proud.

"What have you heard, huh?" He nodded at me disbelieving that I knew anything about him.

I decided to keep the fun going for a while, "Just, you know, that you have that 'criminal' vibe going on. But I think it's a load of bullshit,"

I stepped even closer, "But who cares what I think, right?"

He grabbed my chin in between his thumb and index finger and forced my eyes to meet his icy, blue ones, "Don't talk like you know me. You don't know anything." He whispered harshly.

I removed myself from his grasp, "Maybe I don't..." I stepped away from him, "See you around." I dismissed before turning around to head off and continue my walk.


| Luke |

I flicked my hood off my head and jammed my key into the doorknob of my dorm. I finally got the door open to find my roommate Calum sitting there like a parent ready to bust me after parting all night.

"Where ya been?" He asked me. I shut the door and kicked off my shoes, "Just taking care of something, bro." I replied, obviously lying.

He tilted his head suspiciously, "Care to elaborate?"

I shook my head, "Shit, stop with the interrogations." I tried to laugh it off.

Calum stood up from his seat and walked over to me, "I'm just making sure you're not going back to your old ways, Lu-" he started to say.

"I'm not, damnit! Why do you think I spent a year at boot camp?" I felt my head begin to get hot.

Calum instantly rose his hands in defense, "Alright, chill. I was just making sure."

I turned my attention to my phone when he changed the subject, "So, Ashton's coming in a few days. I think he's staying for good this time." He informed me.

"Seriously?" I asked in fake annoyance. Little did Calum know that I already knew my partner in crime was coming.

In fact, he was already here.

Things were going to get fun, to say the least.

| Rebecca |

I walked around aimlessly for about an hour before I turned around and started to head back to campus.

I decided to call Olivia, considering it would be smart to check and see if the coast was clear before walking right in on something I would never be able to un-see.

"Hey, where'd you go?" She answered immediately.

"Just took a walk; ran into your boot camp friend, Luke again. He's a real doll." I said sarcastically.

"Trust me, he used to be a lot worse." She replied.

Instantly curious, I asked "How bad was he?"

It's not my fault I'm nosey!

"Let's just say he could have faced some jail time if he didn't get his shit together."

luke ain't such an innocent noodle in this haha ;) thanks 4 reading i luv u. ASHTON IS COMING SOON I PROMISE AHHH

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