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it's been a fun ride (that isn't over bc there's a sequel) and i wanna thank every single one of u for reading💜💜💜

You're little brother never tells you, but he loves you so. You said your mother only smiled on her TV show. You're only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope. I hope you make it to the day you're twenty eight years old...

Where had the time flown to? It seemed just like yesterday was February, and Luke and I had three whole months to spend together. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that he was leaving in only six short hours.

He promised me the best last three months, and boy did he commit. He made me feel like the only girl in the world. He even made me forget he was leaving. The only bad thing about forgetting was when I remembered, it hurt twice as much.

I fell asleep to his voice every night before drifting off to sleep. He would sing, tell me stories, or just whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

As the weather grew warmer, he took me on countless road trips just to be with me and only me. I must have gained ten thousand pounds from all the fast food joints we would stop and eat at. I didn't care, though. As long as I was with him, I was happy.

You're dripping like I saturated sunrise. You're spilling like an overflowing sink. You're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece. And now I'm tearing through the pages and the ink...

Now, in the current hour, we sat on the edge of a dock overlooking a lake that just so happened to be named 'our lake.' I had my shoes kicked off and tossed aimlessly before sitting down, and I had my bare feet gently splashing the water with my lazy kicks.

Luke had his arm wrapped loosely around my waist as we sat together, admiring the view. His grip around me tightened causing me to gravitate closer to his side. My right shoulder leaned into his body, and I felt his lips leave a soft kiss on the top of my head as it laid on his shoulder.

It was silent and calm. No one was talking. We didn't need to. Just being in each other's presence was all that we needed.

I glanced down at his left hand that was resting beside my thigh. My eyes trailed down his ring finger to gawk over the capital cursive 'R' permanently drawn on his finger.

Everything was blue: his pills, his hands, his jeans. And now I'm covered in the colors pulled apart at the seams. And it's blue...

Nostalgia kicked in, and I found myself replaying my freshman year of college in my head. Only thing was, I wasn't thinking about the school aspect of it.

I was thinking of none other than Luke Hemmings and his drug mafia. Not only did he unintentionally get me involved in more than one life or death situation, but he also managed to get me to look past all of it and still fall head over heels for him. It takes some real talent for that, let me tell you.

Everything was grey. His hair, his smoke, his dreams. And now he's so devoid of color, he don't know what it means. And he's blue...

He's made me cry more times than I'd like to admit. He made me smile in the worst of times. He taught me how to live my life to the fullest. But most of all, he taught me how to love, trust, and forgive. And I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to properly thank him for it.

Tracing his fingers with the pads of my own fingertips, I spoke the first words of the night, "I'm going to wait for you." I declared. I have to put in my commitment since he did his. His hand removed itself from he dock and found the one I was using to run along his skin.

He glanced over at me briefly before looking back over the lake, "You can't put your life on hold for me. I'm not letting you." He replied. His grip on my hand tightened as he spoke.

You were a vision in the morning when the light came through. I know I've only felt religion when I'm laying with you. You said you'll never be forgiving 'till your boys are too. And I'm still waking every morning, but it's not with you...

"I won't be able to love anyone else the way I love you." I said.

"Promise me you'll try."


"Promise me."

I drew in a breath and picked up my head from resting on his shoulder, "I promise." I finally gave in.

He leaned over and kissed my forehead sweetly, "After college when you graduate, are you going back to New Jersey?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "I'm going to New York. I'll be living the classy, city life. And in five or so years, you'll come find me, and we'll catch up on our lives."

"We'll definitely see each other again, baby girl. I'm sure of it. You'll be living your life in colour, and you'll be happy. I'll come home and find you." He assured me.

I reached up and raked my hands through his blonde hair that was combed over the right side of his head. His face was free of piercings due to his deployment in a few hours.

"I'll be happy when I'm with you again." I whispered. He didn't say anything in response. He just leaned down and captured my lips into his plump, pink ones. It was longing, passionate, sweet, and all of the good adjectives I could think of. I made this one count because this could be the last one from him in almost a decade.

"I'm coming back for you; I love you, Rebecca." He spoke down at me after pulling away from my lips. His hands were cupping my cheeks as his forehead rested against mine.

"I love you too, Luke. I'll be waiting."

You were red, and you liked me because I was blue. You touched me, and suddenly I was a lilac sky.

...but then you decided purple just wasn't for you.

the end :')


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