586 15 1

prepare yourself, shit is going down

I sat in my math class counting down the minutes until I could leave. Unfortunately, this class seems to take 80 years to end.

Not only did I hate math to begin with, but Luke didn't even show up to make it suck less. This was the fifth class in a row that he didn't show up to. I haven't talk him since he convinced me to stay with him the day after Thanksgiving, a.k.a: two weeks ago.

I've tried texting, calling, stopping by his dorm, but each time I got no response. Calum and Michael wouldn't even tell me anything that had to do with him to make matters worse.

Did I do something wrong? I thought we were on pretty good terms.

I guess you never really understand how much you like being around someone until they're gone. That's something I never thought I would say.

There was five minutes left of class when the classroom door opened causing the professor's head to turn. I let my eyes wander to who had the nerve to walk into class with only five minutes left, and I felt my heart bang against my chest.

For the first time in two weeks, I saw Luke. I honestly expected him to look a lot worse; like he had gone through a near death experience because who the hell just disappears like that?

I impatiently tapped the tip of my pencil with the eraser on it against the surface of my desk.

I desperately wanted to just run at him in full speed and find out why he decided to fall off the face of the Earth and not answer any of my calls or texts. But I couldn't.

So I waited it out.

"Very kind of you to join us, Mr. Hemmings." The professor said sarcastically as Luke walked to a desk. I watched him intensely as he walked to the back of the room and sat down.

His hair was styled perfectly, as if I expected anything different, and it looked like he hadn't shaved in a while. His usual blonde stubble was thicker than the last time I saw him. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

It was excruciatingly hard to resist the urge to turn around and look at him, but I fought it.

As soon as the longest five minutes of my life passed, the lecture was finally over.


I quickly grabbed my things, tossing my book inside my bag and swinging it over my shoulder. I stepped out of the row of desks to meet with Luke who was walking in my direction.

"Hey, stranger." I greeted him with a small smile. He avoided my gaze and just walked right by me without a word.

Completely dumbfounded, I followed closely behind him, "Um, hello? Did you not hear me try to communicate with you?" I questioned as we headed towards the door.

Again, he ignored me and just kept walking. We exited the classroom, and I grabbed his shoulder, "Luke!"

He still can't be upset over the whole sex thing, can he? That felt like years ago.

He instantly yanked my hand off of him and faced towards me. His jaw was clenched and his eyebrows were furrowed. His facial expression was absolutely terrifying to say the least. But I couldn't get passed the color of his eyes: dark blue. Not his natural baby blue...something was wrong.

He pulled me over to the side where we were secluded from any other passing by college students. He let go of my hand roughly, "Stay the hell away from me." He spat before swiveling his head around.


"Don't come near me again, got it?" He checked over his shoulder again.

"Luke, I don't know what you-"

"Just go away, Rebecca." He demanded sternly and stepped away from me.

He left me standing there was my mouth hanging wide open. What is his problem? Did I miss something here?

Who was he looking for?

Something definitely happened during the past two weeks, and I am going to find out what.


I had to work the night shift at the store tonight, and I wasn't at all in the right mind set.

I was upset, confused, and alone. Not the best combination.

There were a few customers here and there. The ones coming in and buying stuff were usually underage teens trying to buy beer, and I had to be that person and call them out on it.

Other than that, the shift was pretty boring.

I was halfway through my last hour, and the place was pretty dead, so I took out my phone, contemplating on calling Luke.

I knew he told me to stay away from him, but the need to know why was too intense to ignore. Plus, I can't stay away from him even if I tried. I always find myself in his presence.

After a good twenty seconds of just staring at his contact, I called it. I brought it up to my ear and listened to the continuous ringing.

"Come on, answer." I mumbled and started to pace. I chewed on my thumbnail as I waited for the answer that never came.

Motherfucker ignored me for the hundredth time this month.

I was going to leave yet another message, when I heard the door open. I quickly hung up the phone because we have a strict 'no phones' policy when we have customers.

I pretended I had something to do facing the wall as the customers circled the store looking for whatever they were here to buy.

Finally, footsteps grew louder and I met eyes with a familiar face.

Ashton. Holy hell its nice to see his wonderful face again.

"Hey-" I started to say but he shook his head and mouthed "You don't know me."

I gave him a weird look and rose an eyebrow. He discreetly nodded his head behind him at an older man dressed in a black hoodie looking at the alcohol choices.

I was beyond confused, but I played along.

I shook my head, "U-um, I'm sorry. Would you like a bag?" I asked. He mumbled a "no thanks" while taking out his phone and typing something on it. He laid it down on the counter when he was done and turned it to face me. It read:

He's looking for you. Don't let him see your face or name tag.

"You all set, Ash?" The man piped up from a few rows back making me jump. Ashton quickly took his phone back and deleted what he typed.

"Yeah, let's go."

omg she might die. jk she won't i promise, but shit will get scary and real so pls brace urself

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