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where are my pvris fans at

Today was the day we've all been dreading. Today, Luke and I were going over Bryana's house to have this intervention with Ashton. Apparently Bryana finally got through to him, (sort of) and she wanted us to come over for a little reinforcement. The only thing I was afraid of was Luke potentially losing his shit if things didn't go his way.

But I'd rather not think like that. I can only hope this goes over smoothly, and Luke and I can leave happily. All I want is for all of this to be over with, so Luke and I can focus on our relationship.

Which I'm still not over the whole concept of us actually dating. I'm insanely happy that he decided to make things official, and it's even a little hard to believe. The only thing I was unhappy about was the fact that we haven't had sex since our little escapade in the janitor's closet a few weeks back. I know I shouldn't be too needy, but what the fuck was he waiting for?

Pushing back the protruding sexual thoughts, I walked to Luke's dorm to pick him up so we could go. I knocked a few times and waited for the door to open.

It's close to 5 in the afternoon, what could he be doing?

Something dirty just came into mind. Go away, sexual thoughts!

It was a solid minute, which was really long compared to the time is usually took him to answer, before the door opened.

Standing there in the doorframe was a shirtless Luke with a really bad case of bed head, looking like he had just woken up. I quickly objected this his attire, "You aren't ready?!"

"For what?" He asked in his morning voice while running a hand through his messy, blonde locks.

"Oh my god, Luke."


"We have to be at Bryana's in a half an hour!" I reminded him. Seriously, boys are so clueless.

"Shit, that's today?" He asked and moved out of the way so I could walk inside. He looked so bombarded and confused that I started to wonder why he was so out of it.

"Yes, it's today." I retorted with a slight hint of annoyance in my tone. I watched him as he scrambled around the room looking for any clean shirt to throw on.

"Sorry, baby. I haven't been sleeping very well lately." He apologized while tossing on a beanie to cover up his unruly hair.

"What's wrong?" I asked hinting at his sleep deprivation. I walked over to him to get a better look at his eyes. Boy, were they bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"I just can't fall asleep." He told me while pulling on his shoes. He sat on the edge of his bed as he was tying up his laces, and I joined him. I wrapped an arm around his back and rubbed circles gently, "You're probably just stressed out."

He finished tying his laces and grabbed his car keys, "I'll be fine. You ready?" He asked. I stood up and snatched the keys from him, "Yup, but there's no way in hell I'm letting you drive." I giggled. Usually he would put up a huge fight over something like this, but instead he just let me win.

He flashed me a tired look and nodded. I gave him a sympathetic look and placed a hand on his cheek, "You don't have to come if you're too tired."

"No, I'm coming. I'll be fine. Let's go."


Luke and I ended up staying at Bryana's way longer than we had planned too. It was close to 10 at night when we finally left. Thankfully, we only talked about the Charlie issue for the first ten minutes of hanging out. Ashton agreed to keep Charlie in jail if Luke helped him find a new job.

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