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school is the biggest force like junior year is nOT FUN :(((

One hour left. One hour before I could ditch the hellhole. It was a Friday night, and I was stuck at work with nothing to do. I forgot my phone back in my dorm so I couldn't even watch Netflix on it.

The weather was extremely bad outside; snow was coming down really hard. It was the first week of February so the snow was pretty heavy.

Within the four hours I was here for, only two people came in and it was to buy alcohol. When there's a snowstorm, it's the perfect time to turn up. Which is exactly what my friends are doing right now. I would know because of Olivia's excessive talking about it all fucking day.

That that I'm salty about it or anything- Oh wait yes I am. I'm very salty about it.

I was in the back of the store putting price labels on the new items when I heard the door opening. I continued to stick the labels on, giving whoever it was some time to get whatever they needed.

"Baby?" A faint voice called out. Confused, I stopped what I was doing to listen more carefully because I wasn't sure if I heard it right.

"Rebeccaaaaa?" The voice dragged out my name. That time I recognized the voice.

I smiled and put down the label tool. I walked out from the back and checked each aisle for the person the voice belonged to before finding the tall blonde that just so happened to be my boyfriend, "What are you doing here, string bean?" I asked teasingly.

I looked him up and down once be turned to face me. He had on his usual attire consisting of his black skinny jeans, black converse (even though it was snowing; idiot), and the hem of his red flannel was poking out from underneath his winter coat. His hair was perfectly done, but not in the quiff he always wears. This time, he had his hair combed over to the right side of his face, and damn did it look good. I noticed little snowflakes in his hair from being outside which made my smile grow even bigger. He looked like he hadn't shaved in a while so his chin, jawline, and upper lip had a small amount of blonde stubble.

My boyfriend looks like he'd been personally sculpted by the gods. And I was immensely grateful.

"You weren't answering my calls or texts so I came to talk to you in person." He replied and grabbed my hands in his own, pulling me towards him. The cold from the outside radiated off of him, and the snowflakes on his coat quickly turned to water droplets because of the heat from inside. I was careful not to get too close because the last thing I needed was for my hair to get wet and frizz up.

"Yeah, I left my phone at home." I told him and gently played with his fingers. I swung our intertwined hands back and forth out of habit as we spoke. I looked up at him as a smile crept onto his face. It was random and actually kind of creepy, "What?" I questioned his sudden grin.

"Nothing, it's just- that's the first time I heard you call school 'home.'" He commented.

I smiled just from the simple fact that he was smiling, "Ew, why would you word it like that?" I asked in a whiny voice. He chuckled at me and increased the amount of swinging our hands were doing, "You said it, not me!" He said back defensively.

I giggled and looked down at my feet, shaking my head slightly. I stopped our hands and slipped mine out of his grasp. I sighed loudly as I began to walk to my previous location: the back. Luke followed, hot on my trail. "I get out in about an hour if you want to stay." I informed him as I heard him unzipping his coat.

"I won't get you into trouble?" He wondered and grabbed my hips and pulled me back into his front. I giggled and quickly turned around to face him, "You always get me into trouble." I retorted.

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