Chapter 3

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September 4th, 1997
*Anastasia's POV*

The strong sound of my alarm ringing forced me to wake up, I immediately turned around and stopped the alarm. Today is my first day, so I have to get ready for the day.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.
Once I've done that, I opened my closet and started to get dressed: black pants, white tank-top, black blazer and white sneakers.
I curled my hair a little bit and put it in a lower bun, leaving some curly hair strands falling down on my face.
I then did a light make-up: just a little bit of concealer, a little bit of eyeliner, mascara, blush and lipgloss.

I then walked over to the kitchen and made myself a quick breakfast.
I looked on the clock and it was already 7:30 a.m.
It's time for me to leave, so I immediately rushed in my room to grab my bag and my keys and left my apartment, entering and starting the car riding down the streets to the address that has been given me.

'5225, Figueroa Mountain Rd., Los Olivos'

Is that his actual address where he lives? I don't know, I guess I'll find out soon.

After good 30 minutes I arrived and stopped the car in front of some big golden gates that says 'Neverland' ... it looks like a big ranch. Is that where he really lives? Damn.
A security who was standing in front of the gates walked closer to my car, I immediately drove down my window so that I'll be able to speak with him.

"Are you the new one?" he asked me, I gently smiled and nodded.
"Yes, it's actually my first day and I've been told to come to this address at 8 a.m." I replied, he nodded.
"Come in." he said before gesturing something to the other male security and the gates opened.

I drove through and parked my car before exiting it. The Security whom I just talked to walked closer to me.

"Follow me." he said while making his way into the big luxurious house.

I did as I was told to and followed him into the House, looking and glazing around... wow.
We then walked upstairs and stopped in front of two big doors. He knocked and shortly after we've been invited to go inside.
Once we stepped inside I noticed that it was Mr. Jackson's Office, and he was already sitting in a chair behind his desk. His eyes immediately met mine. He looks so goo-, no, Anastasia, stop. He's your boss. Contain yourself.

"Sir, Mrs. Johnson is here." the other Security said while bowing, I looked back to Michael and bowed as well.
"Good morning, Mr. Jackson." I gently said, he nodded.
"Good morning, Mrs. Johnson, I'm happy to have you here. Wayne is going to spend the day with you today, he'll help you to incorporate and show you our basic routine." he gently said before flashing me a sweet smile, I slightly smiled back and nodded.
"Alright, Sir. Thank you. Have a nice day." I replied before walking outside with Wayne.

"Today is a pretty relaxed day, he has a meeting later so you can just come with me and just do your job... you know, what every Security does." he says giggling, "until then, we're just staying here in case he'll need something." he then added, I chuckled and nodded.
"Alright, sounds good to me." I replied.

We were now standing in front of the main door of the house, I breathed in the fresh air and looked around the ranch ... it's so beautiful here, it's literally breathtaking.

"How long have you been working as Mr. Jackson's Security, if I may ask?" I then asked Wayne.
"A couple years already... like 3 or 4 years." he answered.
"Oh wow... and how is it?" I then curiously asked, I need to know what I am about to go through. He looked at me and giggled.
"It's tough sometimes... you know, that man is known and loved from everyone worldwide, every time his fans notice him it feels like a zombie apocalypse... but there are days that are pretty relaxed and chilly." he answered, sounds like an honest response.
"Wow, okay... I mean, I know that he has dozen of fans, but I never thought that it could feel like a zombie apocalypse." I joked as we both laughed.

*Michael's POV*

Anastasia and Wayne just left my office, and I have been left sitting on my desk speechless... she looks really good in that black suit. Oh and her face structure? Breathtaking. What is wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking about her?

I shook my head trying to get these thoughts out of my mind and tried to focus on something else.

After a couple of hours I went outside and noticed that Anastasia and Wayne were standing at the main door chatting, I decided to walk closer to them.

"It's really beautiful here ..." she said to him almost whispering, I smiled.
"You want me to give you a Tour Mrs. Johnson?" I asked and she jumped as she turned over to me, placing the palm of her hand on her chest, I giggled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I apologised.
"It's okay... and uhm, no Sir, no need to give me a Tour, but thank you." she gently said and slightly smiled. I stared in her eyes for a few seconds before nodding. I then looked over at Wayne.
"Wayne, could you please get the car ready? I'd like to grab something to eat before headed to the meeting." I said and he nodded, he looked over to Anastasia but I stopped him before he could talk. "Mrs. Johnson can wait here with me." I added, he nodded again and left to go get the car.

I then looked over at her and noticed that she was staring, but as soon as my eyes met her's she immediately looked away clearing her throat. I smirked and shook my head...

As soon as Wayne arrived with the car, Anastasia immediately walked closer to it and opened the door of the backseats for me. I flashed her a smile... I could clearly notice how she was blushing.
As soon as I entered the car she closed the door for me and took a seat in the front next to Wayne.

I know it's one of the rules that Mrs. Brown probably told her, and that I am also aware of, but I really feel the need to get to know that girl ...

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