Chapter 42

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June 23rd, 1999
*Anastasia's POV*

Today is June 23rd of the year 1999. Michael has left already, he has his first Show in two days of the 'MJ & Friends' Tour.
He's coming back on June 26th. Even though it's only 3 days, I already feel like dying ... I already miss him. It has been a year, since I gave him a second chance, and since then things were going perfectly between the two of us, and I'm just not used to being alone without him... at least I have Prince and Paris with me.

We have talked a lot about trying on having another baby... and yes, I could say that now I'm ready, but we haven't really tried just yet. I guess we'll just let it happen... god knows when it's the right time to gift us with a child.

I was now sitting on the floor of Prince's and Paris's room, playing with them. God they grew up so fast... where has time go?

"Where is daddy?" Prince whined,
"Daddy had to leave for work... but he'll be back soon, I promise." I replied while smiling at him, he pouted his lips and crossed his arms. I couldn't help but giggle. "Come here. Both of you." I added, gently grabbing them both and pulling them closer to me, embracing them in a sweet hug and placing a kiss on both of their forehead's.

After playing for a while with them, we walked downstairs together, to grab something to eat.
Once we were done, they went back to play with their toys, and I got called at the main door... when I walked over to the door, I noticed Madison standing there.
As soon as she saw me, she immediately rushed inside and hugged me.

"Ana!" she shouted excitedly, with a big smile on her face. I giggled and hugged her back.
"Hi, Madison." I replied.
"Long time no see... how are you doing?" she asked me while I walked her to the living room, and we both took a seat on the sofa.
"I'm doing good, very good. What about you?" I then replied,

We started chatting for a while, gossiping about our lives. She ended up staying the entire afternoon with me, as soon as she heard that Michael has left and I was all alone.

*Michael's POV*

I have just arrived in Seoul, South Korea with my private jet. My first Show is in two days, today I have time to recover from the jet-lag while tomorrow we have rehearsal.

I hated to leave Anastasia and my children alone, but I didn't have another choice. At least I'll be back in three days... I already miss them a lot.

As soon as I exited the Jet, my securities walked me inside the Airport, and made our way outside to the car, and of course there was a big crowd around the building and they all started to freak out as soon as they saw me.
I waved and smiled at them, while my securities accompanied me inside the car, escorting me to the Hotel.

Once we arrived, I got escorted in my Hotel room, and the first thing I did was taking a shower, changing into some comfortable clothes and sit down on the bed. I immediately took the phone and started calling Anastasia... after what felt like forever she finally picked up,

"Hello?" she said over the phone, I smiled widely.
"Baby! God I missed your voice ..." I said,
"Michael? Oh baby, I missed your voice too... I guess you arrived at the Hotel?" she asked,
"Yes, I just arrived and took a shower before calling you..." I replied,
"How was the flight?" she then asked,
"It was good... but it would've been better if you were with me." I said causing her to giggle, "how are the kids?" I then asked while laying down on the bed, the phone still on my ear.
"They're doing good... they miss you." she replied, I sighed.
"I miss you all just as much... I can't wait to come back." I then said...

We kept talking over the phone for a while, until she had to hang up and go to check on the kids. We said our goodbyes, and afterwards I immediately tucked myself under the bedsheets trying to get some rest. God, how am I going to survive these days without her and the kids?

June 24th, 1999

I was now in the Seoul Olympic Stadium, rehearsing for tomorrow's Show. Fortunately I didn't have to perform too many songs, it was just five performances.

Frank knows how much I hate to Tour, but I also loved to do it because of the fans. Seeing my fans all around the world, cheering in the crowd, singing my songs and supporting me no matter what... it's thanks to the fans if I am where I am now. Without them, I wouldn't have any of these things. My fans really mean a lot to me, I love them just as much as they love me.

We spent the entire afternoon rehearsing in the Stadium, and when we finally finished I couldn't wait to get back to the Hotel, take a shower and talk over the phone with Anastasia.

I really wish she could be here with me right now... with her by my side everything is easier. She's my other half... without her I'm lost.

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