Chapter 18

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January 5th, 1998
*Anastasia's POV*

Since the day that Michael stayed overnight at my place and we heard the news has been already 3 days ... the people kept talking about us, but like I told him: I don't really care. I know the truth, we know the truth, everything else doesn't really matter to me.

Today is my first day of work after the Holidays and I can't wait to return to the Ranch and see my co-workers and Prince again.
After a long shower I finally got dressed and got ready, I ate an apple in a hurry before leaving my apartment and jumping in my car, driving to the Neverland Ranch.

When I arrived the entire security team greeted each other. I never would've imagined that I'd be so happy to be back again.
After a few minutes of chatting, telling each other how our Holidays has been, we got a call from Michael telling us to all go inside for a 'quick meeting', and we did so.
We all met in his living room and lined up in front of him.

"First of all, welcome back! I hope you all had a good Holiday." he started with a smile on his face, while his hands are tucked behind his back. I couldn't focus much on the things that he was saying, since I couldn't stop gazing at him... he looked way too good today. He was wearing black jeans, a red buttoned up long sleeve, his curly hair in a low ponytail while a few strands were perfectly falling on his face and his black fedora... I then immediately got snapped back to reality. "I just wanted to tell you all how grateful I am to have such a great team, you all did an amazing work last year. Let's do the same this year. Make sure to stay safe." he then said ending his speech.

We all applaused for him and he bowed in front of us. After that, everyone left and went to do their jobs. As I started walking out of the living room he stopped me...

"Anastasia... wait." he said, I immediately stopped and turned around to face him. He walked closer and smiled, before embracing me in a hug. "It's nice to have you here again, come with me..." he then said grabbing my hand and pushing me with him.
"Where are we going?" I asked completely confused as I followed him upstairs, he didn't respond.

After a while of walking we stopped in front of two big doors, he flashed me a sweet smile before grabbing the door handle and opening the door, letting me enter the room, and that's when I noticed Prince sitting on the ground and playing with his toys. My heart immediately filled with joy, I couldn't help but smile and walk towards him, grabbing him in my arms and hugging him tight.

"Prince!" I said in a happy tone. I then plastered tons of kisses around his face causing him to chuckle, damn... when he laughs he looks just like his father. He then plastered a few wet kisses on my cheek as well, making me giggle. This kid is way too cute.

I remained in his room and played with him for a while before noticing that he was tired, so I decided to grab him in my arms a sing a lullaby... soon he peacefully fell asleep in my arms, so I placed him into his crib covering him up with a blanket.

"You look so adorable..." I whispered while caressing his cheek with the back of my index finger.
"Has anyone ever told you how good you look with children?" a male voice whispered behind me, I immediately turned around clearly scared and shocked. Michael.
"Michael... uhh, no, actually no. Never." I whispered back while smiling nervously.
"You're really good with them... Prince adores you. You would be such a great mother." he then said smiling brightly. I couldn't help but smile from ear-to-ear, forced to look away.
"Thank you..." I whispered, "I should get back to work now... see you later." I added and plastered a kiss on his cheek before walking downstairs and going outside, standing in front of the main door as always.

*Michael's POV*

I watched her walk out of Prince's room and was left there, smiling like an idiot. She really is good with children... I've never seen Prince feel so comfortable and attached to anyone besides me, not even with my family. That girl truly is something else ... just three more months, Michael. Three more months. That's what I've been trying to tell myself since the day I knew that I fell for her.

I sighed and placed a sweet-gentle kiss on Prince's forehead before walking out of his room, going downstairs into my office, working on some new songs.

April 3rd, 1998

I was now in the Hospital - in the delivery room - with Debbie, she's giving birth to our daughter: Paris.
Of course the Hospital is surrounded by Paparazzi's, Tabloids and Fans. There were even helicopters flying around the Hospital, trying to get a picture as soon as my child is born.

Anastasia and the other securities are waiting outside, making sure that no one can sneak in and disturb us.

Shortly after I could hear a baby's cry, and that's when I first layed eyes on my newborn daughter. Even though she was still covered in blood and placenta, she looked beautiful... once she got all cleaned up the nurses gave her to me. I held her close to me, admiring every inch of her beauty, before placing a sweet and gentle kiss on her forehead. Welcome to the world, Paris Katherine Michael Jackson.

I walked out of the delivery room and once the security team noticed they walked closer to me, admiring Paris. I then looked over to Anastasia, who was smiling brightly.

"Do you want to hold her?" I whispered, she looked at me with her eyes wide open.
"Pardon?" she whispered, still staring into my eyes. I giggled and gently handed her Paris into her arms. She gently wrapped her arms around Paris, holding her close to her chest, smiling wide.
"She's so pretty..." she whispered while looking down at my daughter.
"She really is." I confessed while looking at her, smiling like an idiot.

I'll make sure to make you mine now, Anastasia.

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