Chapter 8

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October 1st, 1997
*Anastasia's POV*

I went back outside to the main door, after leaving Mr. Jackson's Office, literally in tears. I couldn't stop sobbing.
I didn't want any of this, but I had to ... I didn't want to lose my job over a stupid rule. I didn't want any problems, so maybe it's better this way.

Bill - the other security - who was standing next to me at the main door, stared at me with a worried look.

"Anastasia, is everything alright?" he asked, I wiped away my tears and forced a smile while looking at him.
"Yes, Bill. Everything is fine." I replied.

I crossed my arms and looked over the Ranch ...

"If you want to talk, I'm here for you." he gently said, I smiled at him and nodded.

I just wanted to disappear. I hope this shift comes to an end as soon as possible.

After what felt like forever, my shift finally came to an end. I said my goodbyes to everyone and stepped in my car, making my way back home.
While driving, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened today ... I just lost a good friend of mine. But was he just a friend to me? Cause the way I felt for him... it was different than a simple friendship.
I shook my head trying not to think about this while driving, I focused on the street and tried to get back home safe.

Once I've arrived I changed into comfortable clothes and got in my bed, crying non-stop. Why does it hurt so much? Please, make it stop.
Suddenly I heard my phone ringing, I turned around and looked on the display... it was Michael. I decided to ignore it, and tried to close my eyes.

November 11th, 1997

It has been a few weeks, since the tragedy. Me and Michael kept ignoring each other, we wouldn't even talk or chat anymore. Just a simple nod, when we crossed our paths. That's it.

Today I have another night shift, and I really do not want to go. I am not ready to spend another night at the Ranch ... I can't even look at him, it hurts way too much. But I didn't have any other choice, it's my job.

When I finally arrived at the Ranch, I parked my car and walked to the main door, greeting the other's. I didn't go inside, I wanted to avoid meeting him, so instead I stayed outside and watched the Ranch with the beautiful lights on.
Thankfully I brought some coffee with me, so that I'd be able to stay awake the whole night.

*Michael's POV*

I looked over at the clock and it was already 7 p.m, Anastasia should be here already but I haven't seen her come inside just yet.

I walked to the main door and looked outside the window, and there she is... standing at the front door, chatting with the other Security. I sighed.

Since what happened that day, she kept ignoring and avoiding me. I'm not going to lie, it hurts... I miss talking to her, chatting with her, laugh with her. I just miss her. But if that's what she wants, then I'll respect her decision.

"You fell for her." a female voice said, I turned around and noticed Debbie standing behind me.
"Pardon?" I asked while looking at her,
"I said you fell for her. Anastasia." she repeated,
"No I didn't." I replied and walked into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa, in front of the big fireplace, she followed me and took a seat next to me.
"Yes you did, Michael. I know you..." she said almost whispering, I sucked my teeth and stared at the fire in front of me. My eyes started getting filled with tears.
"So what if?" I said in a cracked voice, she placed her hand on my arm, I looked over at her and she flashed me a sweet smile.
"It's okay, Michael .. you can tell me." she said trying to reassure me, at this point tears started running down my cheeks.
"Yes. I fell for her. I don't know how that happened... she's just different." I said while Debbie embraced me in a friendly hug.
"I know ... why don't you try and talk to her then?" she said, I simply shook my head 'no'.
"She has been ignoring me ever since... if that's what she wants I'll respect her decision." I replied while stepping back from the hug, wiping away my tears. She chuckled. I then looked over to her...
"What?" I asked,
"You really don't get it... just go talk to her, trust me. If she feels the same way, she's going to listen to you." she then said, I thought about it for a while and ended up nodding in agreement.
"I will, thank you, Debbie." I said before embracing her in a hug.

She then left leaving me alone, I still sit on the sofa staring at the fireplace, thinking about how to start the conversation with Anastasia later on.

After dinner, I went in the bathroom throughout my bedroom to take a shower, I then put on my pyjama pants and a white V-Neck shirt. I looked over at the clock and it was already 10 p.m, the maids should be finished by now, which means that the House should be empty. I made my way downstairs and looked around, no one was to be seen.
I walked to the main door, I then looked at Wayne and then at Anastasia, her eyes met mine for a split second. I eyed Wayne to leave us alone, he nodded and left. I released a heavy sigh, while tucking my hands into my pockets.

"Anastasia... I know you don't want to talk to me, but at least hear me out. You don't have to say anything, just listen..." I whispered, she opened her mouth as she was about to say something but immediately stopped. She locked her eyes into mine and nodded. Thank god...

I took a deep breath before starting to talk, "I understand that you were worried and scared, I totally get it. But there's nothing to be afraid of, like I already said I talked to Mrs. Brown and Debbie and told them that I make my own rules. No one can command me. If I want to establish a relationship with you, I am free to do so... I feel comfortable around you, Anastasia... I never felt this way before. It's been a lifetime since I could talk to someone the way I did with you..." I started, "I don't want to lose what we have built with each other... you are more than just a Security to me... please don't cut me out of your life... I don't want to lose you." I added almost whispering. She turned around to face me, locking her eyes into mine and released a sigh.

I looked deep into her eyes, my eyes probably filled with pain and worry... she meant something to me... Debbie is probably right, I fell for her. But I can't tell her just yet, not until I know how she feels about me. I then grabbed both of her hands rubbing the back of it with my thumbs.

"Please say something..." I whispered, she looked down at our hands and sucked her teeth.
"The moments we've spent together were really special to me..." she started, "I never thought I could get this comfortable around you, but I did. I don't know how that happened, but I'm glad that it did. You've become a close friend to me... I don't want to lose what we have built either... but I just can't manage to lose this job." she added while her eyes got filled up with tears.
"Hey... you won't lose your job. It's all on me, and I won't let this happen. There is no reason for you to lose your job." I said trying to reassure her, flashing her a slight sweet smile. "Don't do this to me, to us, please Anastasia..." I begged, she looked at me.
"I can't manage to lose you Michael... you've become important to me." she whispered while a tear rolled down her cheek, I smiled and wiped the tear away with my thumb before pulling her closer to me, embracing her in a sweet hug. She sobbed into my neck. I caressed her back trying to calm her down ...
"You won't ever lose me. Promise me that I'll never lose you too..." I whispered, she nodded.
"I promise, Michael." she whispered onto my neck, I smiled and hugged her tight.

The smell of her sweet perfume invading my nostrils, while the light of the moon was reflecting on us ... I'd do anything to stay in this very moment forever. I have a feeling like she completes me.

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