Chapter 16

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January 1st, 1998
*Anastasia's POV*

I woke up because of the strong headache I was feeling. When I completely opened my eyes I noticed that I was laying in the bed, I then looked over to the clock: it's noon. Damn.
I then grabbed my phone and noticed that I had 3 missed calls from Michael as well as one message, I immediately opened it:

'Anastasia is everything okay? Please let me know that you're safe. -MJ'

Oh my god... I didn't hear my phone last night. He's probably worried sick. Wait... why was he that worried though? I immediately called him back, waiting for him to pick up, and what felt like eternity he finally did.

"Anastasia?" he immediately asked,
"Hey Mike... I-I'm sorry if I didn't answer, I was with my sisters and didn't hear my phone last night." I said in a raspy voice, since I just woke up.
"God, I was worried about you... are you doing okay?" he then asked, clearly worried. I smiled.
"Yes, yes I'm good. No need to worry." I then reassured him.
"Well, I do worry." he stated, my heart was now pounding as fast as ever.
"Why so worried, Mr. Jackson?" I asked in a playful tone, he remained silent though. "Mike?" I asked,
"Because..." he started, "you mean a lot to me, and I care about you." did I expect something else? maybe. But it's okay.
"Don't worry, I can take care of myself. How did you spend your night yesterday?" I then asked and we started to chat about how our day was yesterday, I missed talking to him and I can't wait to get back.

"When are you coming back?" he then asked,
"Normally in two days, I was planning on being back there the 4th." I said before releasing a sigh,
"Normally?" he asked,
"Yea..." I replied almost whispering,
"That means?" he then asked and chuckled, I smiled.
"I could come back sooner if you give me a good reason to do so." I said in a playful tone, yes I am testing him. You better give me a good reason Mr. Jackson.
"A good reason hm?" he teased, causing us both to laugh, "isn't me missing you not a reason enough, Mrs. Johnson?" he then said.
"Hmmm... I don't know." I teased him,
"Oh c'mon Anastasia..." he then said before releasing a sigh. I giggled.
"Alright alright... my flight is tomorrow." I said while nervously biting my lower lip.
"At what time do you arrive?" he then asked in a low voice, I checked my ticket to see the time.
"I should be at the Airport at noon." I replied.
"Perfect. I'll be there to pick you up." he then said in all confidence. My eyes went wide.
"You what?" I asked shocked. "Michael, you can't risk that." I then added.
"I'd do anything for you... let me pick you up. I'll be escorted by Bill, so don't worry." he then tried to reassure me, I ended up agreeing with it.

After chatting for a little bit more we ended up ending the call and I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I spent the entire day with my mom and sisters, talking, watching TV, doing our manicure.
It was a pretty relaxed day, until I had to start packing my luggage for tomorrow. My flight is at 9 a.m.
Once I've finished packing my luggage we had dinner and went to sleep.

January 2nd, 1998

I was now all ready to go to the Airport, it was time to say my goodbyes to my mom and my sisters, which were already crying.

"Please don't cry... I'll miss you all, but I promise I'll try my best to come again as soon as possible." I said trying to reassure them, I then hugged my sisters and lastly my mom, hugging her tight to me.
"Take care of yourself, Anastasia." she whispered,
"I will, mom. Don't worry." I then whispered back reassuring her.

As soon as the taxi arrived I walked outside and gave him my luggage so that he can put it in the car, I then turned around and waved at my family, flashing them a sweet smile before entering the taxi.

Once I've arrived in the Airport I did my check in, and walked into the plane, sitting on my seat. Shortly after the plane started moving, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, trying to relax and have some rest for the next couple 4 hours.

*Michael's POV*

I was already at the Airport with Bill, we were now waiting at the Gate where Anastasia should be arriving in any minute.
A crowd has built around me, and Bill tried hard to protect me. It was worth the risk, I couldn't wait any longer, I need to see her.

After what felt like eternity, the display finally signaled that her plane has arrived. Shortly after I noticed her walking out of the plane, I waved at her hoping that she'll notice me, and thankfully she did. She immediately started running towards me, jumping on me and wrapping her legs around my waist. I held and hugged her tight to me, her sweet perfume invading my nostrils...

"Anastasia." I whispered with a smile plastered on my face,
"Michael!" she whispered back while hugging me tight. After a few minutes I put her down and looked into her eyes, the desire of pressing my lips onto her's was big... so instead we kept starring at each other and smile.
"I missed you, Johnson." I whispered, she smiled brightly.
"I missed you too, Jackson." she whispered back before placing a sweet kiss on my cheek. That's when my heart was about to explode... that woman, knew exactly how to make me go crazy. How can I resist any longer?!
"Let's go." I then said, grabbing her hand, interlocking our fingers, and walking out of the Airport while Bill tried to protect us.

Once we arrived at the car, I helped her to put in her luggage. Afterwards we all stepped in the car, and were now headed to Anastasia's apartment. Our fingers still interlocked... I couldn't let her go.

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