Chapter 44

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August 29th, 1999
*Anastasia's POV*

I already woke up and even took a shower and got dressed already. It's still pretty early, it's 7:30 a.m, but I wanted to wake up early because I was organising a Party for Michael. Today it's his 41st Birthday, of course I needed to do something. I even invited his entire family as well as my mom and sisters, even his closest friends are going to be there. So this is going to be something big.

He was still laying in bed, sleeping peacefully.
I silently walked out of the bedroom, headed downstairs. I then grabbed the phone and started calling Janet... we have talked about this weeks ago, so she should be up as well.

"Hello?" she answered,
"Hey Janet, it's me Anastasia." I replied,
"Good morning Ana!" she said excitedly, I smiled widely.
"Good morning, are you ready?" I asked,
"Yes, I'll be there in 30 minutes, we'll meet there okay?" she replied,
"Okay. See you soon." I then replied before saying our goodbyes and hanging up.

Yes, we rented a local in Beverly Hills and we needed to go there and decorate everything, before going shopping for his Birthday Presents.
I even prepared a lot of food last night, which I am going to bring to the local right now.

Once I've put everything in the car, Wayne escorted me to the address.
After about 2 and a half hours, we arrived, and I started to bring everything inside, waiting for Janet to arrive, and she did after a few more minutes.

We smiled at each other before embracing her in a sweet-friendly hug. We chatted for a while, before started to decorate the entire place that we have rented.
After good 2 hours the entire place - it's a place with two floors to be more precise - was well decorated with balloons, a lot of sunflowers (his favourite) and other Birthday decorations. There was even a big poster attached on the ceiling that says 'Happy 41st Birthday, Michael'.

We smiled proudly while looking at the decorations. The food was already in the fridge, everything was ready. Now it's time to go shopping.
I entered Janet's car, while our securities followed us from behind with another car.

As soon as we arrived at the shopping centre, of course there plenty of people who immediately recognised us and started creating a crowd around us. Our Securities immediately walked in front of us, trying to protect me and Janet.
We waved at some of the fans before getting escorted inside the shopping centre.

We then started walking in and out of many malls, looking for the perfect present for Michael. After what felt like forever and visiting a hundred of malls, I finally found the perfect present: it's a real-gold keyring, it has a photo of me, Michael, Prince and Paris on the inside while on the outside it says 'Forever in my heart'.

Janet also bought a present for his brother, before we went shopping for our outfit's. Once we were done, we said our goodbyes and the securities escorted me back to the Ranch.

*Michael's POV*

It was already noon and Anastasia still didn't come back. The maids said that they couldn't tell me where she went, and I strongly believe that she is planning something for me since today it's my Birthday.

After what felt like forever, she finally arrived and I immediately walked towards her.

"There you are... finally." I whined, she giggled before pecking my lips.
"Hi to you too, baby. Happy Birthday." she whispered on my lips, I smiled widely while placing my hands on her hips and pulling me closer to me.
"Thank you baby..." I replied whispering on her lips.

Shortly after we started feeding the kids, before having some launch as well. Once we were done, she cleaned up everything.

"Go get ready, we need to be somewhere at 5." she said smiling widely at me, I furrowed my brows.
"You organised something for me, didn't you?" I teased before releasing a chuckle.
"Don't ask any more questions, Mr. Jackson. Just do as I said." she commanded, pecked my lips and walked upstairs. This girl is truly something else... and I'm crazy about her.

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